Tuesday-Friday, 23-26 February 1999
Radisson Hotel, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Welcome to MUG '99

This page will contain links to our agenda, our talks, Daylight software and all documentation.

MUG '99 links

MUG Meeting Photos 1987-1998  

Agenda IV

The MUG '99 schedule will be similar to last year's: day meetings and free evenings with banquet on Wednesday night. In response to a general desire for more hands-on time, we've scheduled fewer lectures (while keeping a 50:50 mix of Daylight:user talks) and restored some unscheduled time (6 hrs!) for hands-on, demos, hacking, and schmoozing. Thanks, everybody, for pointing out that last year's schedule of 12 lectures per day was, let's say, a bit on the intense side. You're all right, of course, but there are so many people with great ideas and so little time...

23 Tuesday
Norah, MC
24 Wednesday
Jeremy, MC
25 Thursday
Dave, MC
26 Friday
8:30 Continental breakfast in breakout room
9:00 Welcome!
Yosef Taitz

Dave Weininger

Overview of current software
Jeremy Yang

Reaction atom mapping
Bernd Rohde, Novartis

Reaction TGs & GAs
Jack Delany

Transformation storage
Meixiao Liu, Abbott

Handling heterocyclic tautomerism
Peter Kenny, Zeneca

Scott Dixon, Metaphorics

Future directions
Dave Weininger

Reentrancy and thread-safety
Jack Delany

10:30 Coffee, tea, snacks, and discussion
11:00 Daylight website tour and proposal
Norah MacCuish

Java Widgets
Ragu Bharadwaj

chemistry cartridge

Dave Weininger

Chemistry in Oracle 8i
Sam Defazio & Cathy Trezza, Oracle

Using the Chemistry Cartridge
Alberto Gobbi, Novartis

Duct tape and superglue Pat Walters, Vertex

Daylight tools and ChemDraw plugin
TJ O'Donnell, OA

Linking Chemfinder and Daylight
Michael Swartz, CSC

Open discussion, anything goes.
12:30 Break at 12:30 for group lunch at hotel.
Computers and an Internet connection will be available in the break-out room every day.
2:00 More fun with chemical catalogs
John Bradshaw, Glaxo Wellcome

Python meets Daylight
Andrew Dalke, Bioreason

Contributed toolkit programs
Norah MacCuish

Contributed CGI programs
Jeremy Yang

CGI programming with JavaGrins
Ragu Bharadwaj

Structure query conversions
John Barnard, BCI

VisualiSAR - A web-based SAR tool
David Wild, Parke-Davis

Growing SAR trees
Christos Nicolaou, Bioreason


Beer follows.



Hands-on and demos
Cherwell's ChemSymphony Beans
Hands-on and demos Hands-on and demos
5:30 Sessions end at 5:30 each day.
6:00 Free evening

Conjugate at Dave's 5:30-7:30

Computers available in breakout room

Radisson Cabaret
6:00 open bar, 7-ish dinner. Flamenco dancing by Maria Benitez dance troupe!
Free evening

Hacker session in breakout room

Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.