MUG '99 -- 13th Daylight User Group Meeting -- 23-26 Feb 1999
Future Directions
To do in the next year
- Depict
- Better/adjustable ruleset
- JavaDepict implementation
- Depiction server?
- Chirality
Finalize algorithm for "hard" chiralities:
- Pseudo chirality
- Cis-trans ring chiralities
- Extend DBO notation
- Relative stereochemistries
- 4.7
- Optimized for 64-bit, largefiles, etc.
- Complete DCGI: database interfaces including reaction DB's
- Full port to Linux?
- Toolkits: Windows DLL, Macintosh SO?
- v5.0 evolutionary not revolutionary, dt_ interface supported
- Chemistry Cartridge
- Finalize feature set, cost-based optimizer, SQL+ mapping
- Figure out usable architectures (-SGI, +Linux?)
- Figure out a workable business arrangement
- Release it!
- New Office
- Lots of room, lots of power, lots of bandwidth
- Facilities for visitors
But probably not:
- Patent structure searching
New projects:
- Catalog collection
- Unified format
- Automate as much as possible
- Low price, high availability
- Web server?
- Thanks GW-John, could use help from others!
- Tautomer toolkit/utility
- Certainly toolkit-based
- Probably based on SMIRKS ruleset
- Possibly server-oriented
- Frame as part of larger normalization package?
- Zeneca Peter's
And don't forget:
- Summer School
Probably at St. John's, probably end of July
- EuroMug '99
Location not set, probably in early October
- Mug '00 ("Mug-aught-aught")
Same time, same place next year? Or elsewhen, elsewhere?
Same schedule and format? Comments?
Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.