Best conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in
many decades is happening this evening (23rd).
All muggers & friends are invited to Dave's house
for a view: 5:30 for sunset, 6:00-6:30 for conjunction; don't be late,
the show will be over by around 7:00.
Car pool in lobby at 5:30.
(Plan your dinner reservations for 7:30 or 8:00.)
Photo Wednesday at 4:00 at construction
site (immediately south of hotel), followed by a guided tour of our
"new office" by Eric Enfield (architect) and John Rehders (general contractor).
Webcam.Cognition Enhancer.Balls.Welding a bond.Welding a ball.Braces.Welders.
Please show up promptly at 4:00 for the photo.
Please stay out of the construction site at other times.
Banquet Wednesday: 6:00 open bar, 7-ish paella dinner followed by
Maria Benitez Flamenco Dance Troupe performance.
Almost all computers here are on a single mug network, which is
connected to the Internet (with the possible exception of one or
two partner alien universes).
MUG '99 machines
Machines are labeled with their hostname and function.
This year, hostnames are Spanish numbers (which is why the "dos"
machine won't run MicroSoft Flight Simulator).
The central "docking" table in the breakout room has a
number of 10baseT connectors for your laptops.
One username "mug" (password "coffee")
Do personal work in mug/yourname subdirectories
If a machine looks available, use it! Exceptions are:
user machines on the "docking" table
Origin server (no proper screen anyway)
Oracle server (no mug login)
Administrative Mac (OK with permission)
If a machine looks logged out, feel free to log in as mug/coffee
... it should come up ready-to-go, use it!
If you need to do anything special (load a tape, ftp something out,
compile a program, get a network address, reconfigure the kernel),
please see one of the Daylight staff.
Feel free to telnet home and check your mail, but:
don't send mail to (we won't get it)
don't expect to receive mail here (use replyto:)
don't excessively tie up the show machines reading e-mail if
others are waiting to use them for demos, etc. (This doesn't apply
to your own docked laptops: if you have one, knock yourself out.)
Speakers and listeners
Speakers: if you have special requirements, please let us know!
Everything except mic/PA and O/H projectors (w/ and w/o
computer screen) count as "special". HTML presentations are
strongly preferred. We can probably accomodate your needs, but
we need to know about them.
Contact Dave, Jeremy or Brian as first choices.
Demo-ers and special interest groups: post your topic, time (one
hour max between 3/3:30-5:30p) and location (meeting or breakout
room) on the bulletin board. Let us know ASAP about any special