| Affiliation
| Title
Austin, Kevin
| Merck & Co.
| The Missing (Mer)link
| abstract
Barnard, John
| Using Markush structure techniques
to avoid enumeration in analysis of large combinatorial libraries
| abstract
Bharadwaj, Ragu
| Daylight
| Daylight Java interfaces and toolkit
Blankley, John
| Parke-Davis
| Molecular Diversity - A Shell Game?
Experiments in Measuring Molecular Diversity
| abstract
Bradshaw, John
| Glaxo Wellcome
Introduction to the Tversky similarity measure
| paper
Clark, Matt
Chemical and Reaction databases from ISI
| abstract
Claus, Brian
| Merck & Co.
| Of frequencies and fingerprints
| abstract
Critchlow, Roger
| Chiron
DayTcl and CexTcl -- toolkits and the tool command language
Cross, Gez
| Derwent
| WDI database
| abstract
Cross, Kevin
| SciFinder/Gemini
Delany, Jack
| Daylight
| Named Properties
| paper
Reaction Overview
| paper
Reaction Toolkit
| paper
Doman, Tom
Mister Rogers: A Web Application for Nearest Neighbor Searching
| abstract
Germeia, John
| DuPont-Merck
The Use of Sub-Templates and Super-Templates in Drug Discovery
| abstract
Hahn, Matt
| WebLab/CombiChem
| abstract
Labute, Paul
Integration of Daylight tools in MOE,
The Molecular Operating Environment
| abstract
Lagerstedt, Ingvar
| Oxford Molecular
| Diva/Thor
| abstract
McGreevy, Pat
| Walter Reed
Integration of Text, Image, and Chemistry Databases on GUI Clients
Designed for Drug Discovery and Development
Miller, Michael
| Merck & Co.
| Mixing Daylight
| abstract
O'Donnell, TJ
| O'Donnell & Assoc.
Mister Rogers: A Web Application for Nearest Neighbor Searching
| abstract
Rohde, Bernhard
| Gemini at Novartis
Poor man's synthesis planning:
Reaction Toolkit for Reaction Type Analysis
| abstract
Shemultulskis, Norah
| Daylight
| Daylight's information resources
Taitz, Yosi
| Daylight
| Collaborations
Weininger, David
| Daylight
Thor and Merlin systems in Release 4.5
| paper
Example database creation
| paper
New projects
| paper
Yang, Jeremy
| Daylight
| Overview of Daylight Software Release 4.5