Tuesday-Friday, 25-28 February, 1997
The Surf&Sand Hotel, Laguna Beach, California

Welcome to MUG '97

This page contains links to our agenda, our talks, Daylight software and all documentation. If you're not familiar with Web browsers, ask one of your fellow MUGgers, or one of the Daylight Krewe for help.

MUG '97 links

See the MUG97 Group MUGshot!!

Agenda IV (we're here!)

25 Tuesday 26 Wednesday 27 Thursday 28 Friday
8:00 Continental breakfast in breakout room
8:30 Overview of Daylight Software Release 4.5
Jeremy Yang

Daylight's information resources
Norah Shemetulskis

New projects
Dave Weininger

Inhibitors Database
John Bradshaw and Norah Shemetulskis

Large libraries and the monomer toolkit
John Barnard

Use of templates in drug discovery *
John Geremia

Poor man's synthesis planning *
Bernd Rohde

Future directions
10:30 Coffee, tea, snacks, and discussion
Reaction System Overview
Jack Delany

Thor and Merlin systems in Release 4.5
Dave Weininger

Toolkit Programming: Named Properties
Toolkit Programming: Reactions
Projects: Combinatorial Reactions
Jack Delany
Integrating text, image, and chemistry databases*
Patrick McGreevy

Ingvar Lagerstedt

Mixing Daylight *
Michael Miller

Poster introductions

Open discussion
1:00 Group lunch at hotel each day

Unscheduled time

Time to meet eachother.

Talk, hack, demo software, email, hang out on beach, whatever!

Computers and an Internet connection will be available in the break-out room.

Check bulletin board for events.

Daylight tools in MOE
Paul Labute

DayTcl and CexTcl
Roger Critchlow

* Demos
times to be posted


The missing (mer)link
Kevin Austin

Of frequencies and fingerprints
Brian Claus

3:00 Neighbor_Search similarity searching
TJ O'Donnell and Tom Doman

Tversky similarity
John Bradshaw

4:00 Measuring molecular diversity
John Blankley


Planning session Daylight Java interfaces and toolkit
Ragu Bharadwaj
7:00 Collaborations
Yosef Taitz

Kevin Cross

Gemini at Novartis
Bernd Rohde

Matt Hahn

ISI databases
Matt Clark

WDI database
Gez Cross


Banquet on the yacht Wild Goose.    Meet in hotel lobby at 5:30 for group transporation (or pick up map).   
6:00 open bar, 7-ish dinner.
Be on board by 7:00!

Free evening

Hacker session in breakout room

Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.