yù hù
yù mén
yù zhên gû
yù jïng
Jaundice yang jaundiceyáng huáng yin jaundiceyïn huáng acute jaundicejí huáng scourge jaundicewën huáng vacuity jaundicexü huáng gallbladder jaundicedâng huáng five jaundiceswû dân grain jaundicegû dân liquor jaundicejîu dân black jaundicehëi dân yellow sweathuáng hàn damp-heat jaundiceshï rè huáng dân blood amassment jaundicexuè xü huáng dân
huáng dânA condition characterized by the three classic signs of yellow skin, yellow eyes, and yellow urine, i.e., generalized yellowing of the body, yellowing of the whites of the eyes (sclera), and darker-than-normal urine. Jaundice arises when contraction of seasonal evils or dietary irregularities cause damp-heat or cold-damp to obstruct the center burner, and prevents bile from flowing according to its normal course. For different jaundice patterns, see entries listed below. Theories about of the cause of jaundice have varied over the centuries. The Inner Canon (nèi jïng) established the notion that it was due damp-heat and hence largely associated with the spleen. Subsequent generations of physicians elaborated various specific pathomechanisms without changing this basic understanding. In the Jin-Yuan period, the distinction between yin jaundice and yang jaundice gained widespread acceptance. In the Ming dynasty, Zhang Jing-Yue proposed the term dan3 huang2, ``gallbladder jaundice,'' claiming that the disease arose when damage to gallbladder qi caused bile to discharge, i.e., leak from the gallbladder and flow to the skin. In the Qing Dynasty, Shen Jin-Ao also observed a contagious form of jaundice that he called ``heaven-current epidemic scourge,'' which he nevertheless believed to be attributable to damp-heat. In A Clinical Guide with Case Histories (lín zhèng zhî nán yï àn) of 1766, the theories of damp-heat and gallbladder involvement are combined.
héThe part of the face below the ear.
jin=1 ti=4 rou=4 run=4 From On Cold Damage (shäng hán lùn) Spasmodic jerking of the sinew and flesh.
Insufficiency of blood and liquid:  (xuè jïn bù zú) Jerking sinews and twitching flesh mostly arises when copious sweating damages yang, causing blood vacuity and wear on liquid that deprives the sinews of nourishment.
Medication:  Use Four Agents Decoction (sì wù täng).
Damage to yang:  (shäng yáng) Less commonly the cause is damage to yang by cold-damp in cold damage, preventing water qi transformation.
Medication:  Use True Warrior Decoction (zhën wû täng).
jìnThe name of a dynasty ( 265--420).
jïnThe name of a Tartar dynasty ( 1115--1234).
jïnSynonym:  catty .
A unit of measure divided into 16 liang, and now roughly equal to 500~g. See tables and , page .
tòu xuéSee point joining.
gû jiéA joining point of two bones.
gû jié téng tòngPain in any joint. Enduring joint pain is observed in impediment patterns. Joint pain of limited duration is observed in some externally contracted febrile disease patterns such as wind-cold exterior patterns and qi-aspect heat. Joint pain may also attend certain sores such as streaming sores and red bayberry sores.
lì jié fëngSynonym:  white tiger joint-
running wind ;
Synonym:  pain wind .
A disease described in Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Coffer (jïn guì yào lüè) characterized by redness and swelling of the joints, with acute pain and difficulty bending and stretching. Joint-running wind is attributed to transformation of wind-cold-damp into heat in patients suffering from liver-kidney vacuity, and falls within the scope of impediment .
yíThe lower part of the cheek.
fä yíA sore of the lower cheek arising in cold damage or warm disease when residual toxin congests locally before the cessation of sweating or before full eruption of papules. It begins with generalized heat~effusion and aversion to cold and a nodelike swelling on one cheek that is slightly warm and painful. The swelling grows and spreads to the ear and the pain increases. Finally, the swelling ruptures and discharges foul-smelling pus. In severe cases, there is swollen pharynx and congesting phlegm that makes swallowing difficult.
Western Medical Concept:  osteomyletis of the mandible* abscess*!alveolar osteomyletis of the mandible, alveolar abscess.
Medication:  In the initial stage, treat by clearing heat and resolving toxin assisted by dissipating the exterior, using formulas such as Universal Aid Toxin-Dispersing Beverage (pû jì xiäo dú yîn) as oral medication and applying Golden Yellow Paste (jïn huáng gäo) topically. In the suppurative stage, treat by internal expression to outthrust the toxin using Pus-Outthrusting Powder (tòu nóng sân).
xîOne of the five minds; associated with the heart.
xî zé qì huânUnconstrained emotions ensure the disinhibited flow of qi. However, excessive joy leads to a dissipation of essence-spirit, and a weakening of heart qi that manifests in heart palpitations, insomnia, and mental diseases.
cóng wài cèi nèi <judging the inside> Judging the internal state of the body by external manifestations.
The extractable fluid from any part of a plant.
Definition:  The fluid produced when medicinal materials are boiled in water.
huán tiào líu tánFlowing phlegm in the region of GB-30 (huán tiào, Jumping Round) . See flowing phlegm.