Making Tables from Trees
EuroMUG'01 -- 13-14 Sept 2001 -- Cambridge, UK
Jeremy Yang

"Making Tables from Trees"

Building DayCart/Oracle tables from Daylight/Thor databases

Jeremy Yang
Daylight CIS

Abstract: The different data models and datatypes of Thor vs. Oracle should guide the interconversion of datasets between these two DBMS's. These issues will be described and related to an example conversion of WDI to DayCart-ready format.

Daylight data structure

Example TDT

RDB data structure

Considerations for read-only compound databases (e.g. WDI, ACD)

Supporting ALLNAMES queries

Conversion plan / table design

WDI TDT summary
WDI tables

ACD TDT summary
ACD tables


Open issues


EuroMUG'01 -- 13-14 Sept 2001 -- Cambridge, UK

Daylight Chemical Information Systems Inc.