Daylight's "Contrib"uted Software
Tues-Fri, 23-26 February 1999
Radisson Hotel, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Web Programming
UC_SELECT- Geoff Skillman
: Reagent selection for combinatorial library synthesis
Java Molecular Editor Applet- Peter Ertl
Bernd's Depict Software- Bernd Rohde
DAYCGI Scripts- Jeremy Yang:
depict.cgi-Depicting SMILES and SMILES files with DayCGI
depictmatch.cgi-SMARTS/SMILES filter with DayCGI and DayPerl
daybase.cgi-Database interface using DayCGI and Perl
react.cgi-interface for reaction transforms
cansmi.cgi-canonicalize SMILES
daytops.cgi-DayCGI PrintPackage front end
rubicon.cgi-DayCGI Rubicon front end
Merlin Control Language Scripts
Provides and "English language" interface to Merlin
When used in combination with dayCGI provides powerful complex searching of Daylight databases through the web