Tues-Fri, 23-26 February 1999
Radisson Hotel, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Toolkit Programming
Contributions From Users:
PerlOb- Alex Wong: Provides basis for writing
program object programs in Perl.
DayPerl-Alex Wong: Perl Wrapper for the Daylight toolkit
Java Toolkit Wrapper-Alberto Gobbi:A perl program
which creates Java Classes and C-functions to call the Daylight
Tookit with Java using JNI.
Contributions from Daylight:
DaySwig-Roger Critchlow: Daylight toolkit wrapper for all
supported SWIG(Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator) languages, which includes Python and Tcl/Tk
C and Fortran example toolkit source
examples provided for all of the toolkits: smiles, smarts, reactions,etc