Daylight's Depictions and JavaDepict
To gain perspective let us consider the depiction problem
in general.
Graph layout has been approached in 2 ways
The procedural approach
Emphasis on getting a fast algorithm even if not ideal or
theoretically well founded
The declarative approach
Layout modeled on some sort of physical force model where
aesthetics are analogs of features of that model.
As it involves numerical optimization of some sort, it admits
conflicting aesthetics better
Can be modified to allow user to determine layout rules of
his own
Usually leads to slower solutions
Daylight's system is of the second type. However it lacks
the capabilities to add chemical layout rules that a chemist or an organization
might want. i.e. it cannot be tailored
This problem can be dealt with at 2 levels:
Capture general deficiencies in depictions that chemists
would like to have addressed.
e.g. draw linear bonds at 120 degrees
Label H20
as H2O, not as OH2
draw large cycles as combinations of 6, 7, 8 and 9 sided
Interestingly tackling these issues is not cpu intensive,
and requires that the deficiencies be captured correctly
Template based preferences:
Allow for Templates, which will set relative bond angles
for SMARTS matches
Allow for specification of groups to fold and show as a single
e.g. for x > 7 CH2's
in a string, fold and represent as (CH2)x
show -CH(CH3)2
as -Val
Allow for layout rules, which can be rules to set when combinations
of SMARTS appear
e.g. always show a polypeptide pattern N-terminal to C-terminal
with the side groups with the amino-acid names.
These issues can be cpu-intensive especially as the number
of such specifications increases