EuroMUG '98

6-7 October 1998
Cambridge, England

  • Daylight Home Page (mirror)
  • Daylight 4.61 Release
  • List of Attendies
  • Getting there
  • Who is Arthur Cayley?
  • Cambridge House Moat House Hotel
  • University of Cambridge
  • Cambridge area info
  • Cambridge hotels
  • Cambridge pub guide

  • Agenda

    Tuesday morning, 6 October: "Overview and news"
    8:30 Registration (coffee/tea)
    9:00 Welcome
    9:10 Overview of Daylight 4.61-JavaGrins!  Norah MacCuish and Ragu Bharadwaj / DCIS
    10:00 User Education Resources - Daylight Summer School  Jeremy Yang /DCIS
    10:30 Morning coffee/tea
    11:00 The Reaction toolkit and new databases  Dave Weininger and Jack Delany /DCIS
    11:30 Pseudo-random Sampling for Combinatorial Libraries and Grey-Hamming Codes for Fingerprint Descriptors  Roger Sayle / Metaphorics
    12:00 Break for Lunch (provided by Daylight)

    Tuesday afternoon, 6 October: "User presentations and collaborations"
    1:30 Afternoon announcements
    1:45 A beginner's guide to responsible parenting or knowing your roots  John Bradshaw/Glaxo-Wellcome
    2:15 An ADEPT approach to library enumeration and design  Andrew Leach /Glaxo-Wellcome
    2:45 New Clustering Algorithm Using Daylight ASCII Fingerprints and Tanimoto Similarity Index  Darko Butina / Glaxo Wellcome
    3:15 Afternoon coffee/tea
    3:45 SMALES, a program for the calculation of topological descriptors  Michael Engels / Jansen Research Foundation
    4:15 Integrating Daylight With Accord  Glen Hopkinson / Synopsys
    4:45 Open Discussion
    5:30 Close

    Wednesday morning, 7 October: "Directions and collaborations"
    9:00 Welcome back, announcements
    9:15 ChemSymphony Beans and Daylight Toolkits  Adam Hodgkin and Anatoli Krassavine/Cherwell Scientific
    9:45 Diversity Explorer  Matt Hahn and Henriette Willems / Molecular Simulations Inc.
    10:00 The Smilin' ChemDraw Plugin  Robert Scoffin / CambridgeSoft
    10:15 Morning coffee/tea
    10:45 Informix in Drug Discovery  Bhavna Bilimoria/ Informix
    11:15 The Daylight Datablade  Norah MacCuish /DCIS
    12:00 Break for Lunch (provided by Daylight)

    Wednesday afternoon, 7 October: "Collaborations, Demos and Hands-On"
    1:30 Afternoon announcements
    1:35 The Daylight/Oracle Chemistry Cartridge

    What is it?  Dave Weininger / DCIS

    How Does it Work?  Sam Defazio Oracle Corp.
    Why is it needed? (Finally, a Chemical Database!) Alberto Gobbi /Novartis

    3:00-5:00 Hands-on and Demos
    5:00 Future and Open Discussion Dave Weininger / DCIS
    5:30 Close

    Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.