Getting to Daylight Summer School

Both the classes and lodging are at St. John's College in Santa Fe, New Mexico:
St John's College
1160 Camino Cruz Blanca
Santa Fe, NM 87501

505-984-6000 (switchboard)

Our contact:

Jennifer Brookes

Pager: 820-8454

The nearest airport is the Santa Fe Airport, but it's small with only commuter flights. The Albuquerque Airport is 60 miles away with greater connectivity.

From airport to St. John's:

To get from Albuquerque to Santa Fe, either rent a car, or take an airport shuttle to Santa Fe (to a downtown hotel) and a taxi to St. John's. A taxi from Albuquerque both ways would be more expensive than a week's car rental. From the Santa Fe Airport either take a taxi or rent a car.

Take the shuttle to a hotel in the downtown area near the college.

The airport shuttle company has changed! Shuttlejack is no longer in business.

Here is the latest info (as of May):

The Gray Line is at 800-256-8991, 505-242-3880, and departs the airport at 9am, 11am, 1pm, 4pm, 6pm and 9pm, with sevaral drop-off points including the Eldorado Hotel (recommended). $25. each way.

Twin Hearts Airport Transportation, 800-654-9456, 505-751-1201, $15 from Albuquerque airport to Santa Fe, with drop offs at the Hilton Hotel. Departures 11:30pm, 1:15pm and 3:00pm, 7 days/week, to the Eldorado Hotel.

The "Pride of Taos" is another company, which may offer service. 505-758-8340, 800-273-8340.

Faust's Transportation is at 505-758-3410, seems to depart from airport at 1PM only.

ABQ Airport Information should have the latest information. 505-842-4366.

Getting around Santa Fe:

St. John's College is about 2 miles from the center of town, the historic Plaza, and most of the shops and restaurants. Public busses leave every 30 minutes approximately and taxis are available. Visitor parking is available.

Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.