SFI Colloquium Series presents:

"Emerging Trends in High Performance Scientific Visualization"

a  talk by

Thomas More Jackman
Imaging Science & Measurement Technology Group
Physical Sciences Department
IBM Research

12:15 p.m.

SFI's Medium Conference Room


Developments in processor speeds, memory access, device
interconnections, and data storage, as well as the profusion of the
internet, are some of the trends which are shaping computing technology
as we enter a world of teraflop and pervasive computing, but which are
contributing to an explosion of data.  The demands and techniques of
visual computing to aid in the analysis of the growing body of data are
shadowing the developments elsewhere in information technology.  The
trend is to analyze larger, higher dimensional and more complex
datasets and to disseminate this data comprehensively and
comprehensibly to various classes of users. The emerging issues of
scientific data representation, exploration, dissemination,
parallelization, interaction, and presentation in a high performance
computing environment are discussed using examples taken from chemistry
and geology.

Chris Clary
Program Office
Santa Fe Institute
1399 Hyde Park Road
Santa Fe, NM  87501
505-984-8800 ext. 238 (voice)
505-982-0565 (fax)


Directions from Santa Fe's Historic Downtown Plaza to SFI  

From the corner of Palace and Washington, turn onto Washington. Go
through the light at Paseo de Peralta and take a right at the next
light, Artist Road (which becomes Hyde Park Road). Drive 1.4 miles up
the hill and immediately after you pass the intersection of Gonzales,
there are three boulders on the left. The Institute is located on the
first dirt driveway to the left immediately after the boulders (about
20 yards past the intersection of Gonzales). There is an adobe-colored
wall with a Santa Fe Institute sign which is visible only when you
reach the driveway. Turn left into the driveway and drive to the top of
the road to reach the Institute's main building.
