xvmerlin is an XView interface to Daylight Databases which have been loaded into Merlin Pools. Day 2 will describe the administration of Merlin Pools. For today, databases have already been loaded for you. One difficulty when first trying to use xvmerlin, is proper usage of the three mouse buttons. By default the right mouse button enables you to see and select from popup menus. The left mouse button allows for selections from popup windows and to activate popup windows. The middle mouse button will display the full data tree for a given structure.
(Sun system) or xvmerlin4d
(SGI system) to start merlin client . With the right mouse button select File
, Open Database
drag mouse to
right and select medchem98demo
column and make
choose the Search
then Superstructures
Select Search type (try both SMILES and SMARTS), Try Grins utility
to draw in a structure or type in SMILES or SMARTS. Select
which type of Action, e.g. Make new hitlist. When ready hit Select
menu from the xvmerlin window, Select Store
Your results from your search are now stored in a hitlist which you
can recall later. Select Hitlist
with the left mouse
button or select the menu item Set all hit
to return
to searching the whole database.
"Look for"
option to find structures embedded with given structure.
Try a different Action (e.g. "remove matches from hitlist"). Make a new hitlist by combining the results with the hitlist
from your Superstructure search. Select Union
from the Hitlist
menu. Your hitlist will now
contain all structures from medchem98 which contain the substructure
requested in the Superstructure search and all medchem98 compounds which
are not embedded within the structure specified in the Substructure
Search step.
column for a popup window with a larger view of the structures.
menu in the xvmerlin
window and try out the Merlin keypad. Make selections with
the left mouse button.