Daylight Summer School 1999, June 15-17, St. John's College, Santa Fe, NM
Daylight Worksheet - Installing the Daylight distribution
The Daylight distribution is supplied as a tar-gzip archive. Thus
to unpack and install the archive, "gzip -d" and tar must be used.
- Insert the Daylight software CDROM (4.5x-4.6x). The operating
system should automatically mount the CDROM.
- Find the CDROM directory. Normally on SGIs it is /CDROM, on
Suns it is a directory under /cdrom. Identify the desired
archive, either the "heavy" or "light" package.
- Find or create an installation directory and cd to it.
Unpack and install the distribution as follows (modify path
as appropriate):
mkdir /daylight
mkdir /daylight/day462
chown -R thor /daylight
chgrp -R thor /daylight
su - thor
cd /daylight/day462
gzip -dc /CDROM/day462-sgi.tar.gz | tar xvf -
- ftp the archive from or a mirror site.
- Unpack archive as from CDROM.
NFS-mounting the Daylight distribution
If the software is already installed on a fileserver you may wish to
use the NFS-mounted disk:
mkdir /daylight
chown thor /daylight
ln -s /net/origin200/nalgas/daylight/day462.sun /daylight/day462
testlicense - requesting a Daylight license
Daylight licenses are node-locked, so to request a license some
cpu information must be provided to Daylight. The simplest way
to obtain this information is using testlicense:
% cd $DY_ROOT/bin
% ./testlicense -i
cpu type: sun4m
cpu idno: 7279db90
Daylight Worksheet - Installing a Daylight database
Daylight databases are supplied as tar-gzip archives. Thus
to unpack and install an archive, "gzip -d" and tar must be used.
- Insert the database CDROM. The operating
system should automatically mount the CDROM.
- Find the CDROM directory. Normally on SGIs it is /CDROM, on
Suns it is a directory under /cdrom. Identify the desired
- cd to the desired installation directory.
Unpack and install the database as follows (modify path
as appropriate):
gzip -dc /CDROM/lotadata99.tar.gz | tar xvf -
Daylight Chemical Information Systems Inc.