Daylight Summer School 1999, June 15-17, St. John's College, Santa Fe,
Daylight Chemical Information Systems Inc.
A 3 day course
A. Languages
- Simple forms
- SMILES syntax rules
- Isomeric SMILES
- Canonical SMILES
- Reaction SMILES
- Chuckles and Chortles
- Simple forms
- SMARTS syntax rules
- Atom and bond primitives, operators
- Recursive SMARTS (vectors)
- Reaction Transforms (SMIRKS)
- CHARTS (Monomer Query Language)
- Thor Data Trees (TDTs)
- Datatypes
- Root identifiers
- Cross-reference identifiers
- Non-identifiers (data)
- Fingerprints
B. Applications
- Xview Interface
- Thor and Merlin clients and servers (xvmerlin and xvthor)
- PCModels (xvpcmodels)
- Command Line Interface
- Database Administration (sthorman, thorfilters)
- PCFilters (clogp and cmr)
- Printpackage (prado, treetops and tablet)
- Clustering Package (nearneighbors, jarpat, etc.)
- Rubicon (rubicon, autorules)
- Web Interface
C. Documentation
A. Installation
- The Daylight distribution
- Daylight environment variables
- /etc/services
- httpd configuration
- Licensing
B. Servers & Users
- dy_passwords.dat
- Restricted vs. allowed hosts
- "thor" and "thorinfo"
- User limits
- Thorserver vs. merlinserver
- Daytoolserver
- Tasks
C. Customizing
- Options
- Useful shortcuts
D. Databases
- Installing databases
- Configuring databases:
caching, holding, passwords, record locking, read-only db's
- Pools and RAM
- Database design
indirect databases, monomer databases, reaction databases, datatypes
- Creating datatypes
- Creating databases
- Converting to SMILES from other formats
- Automating db admin:
starting and stopping servers, other DB admin tasks
- Reaction databases
- Non-structures in Daylight databases
- Structural standardization
- Non-identifier cross references
- Survey of commercial databases
Overall Capabilities
- Dependencies of libdt libraries
- XView Widgets Toolkit
- Rubicon Toolkit
- DayCGI Tools
- Java Tools
- Reaction Toolkit
- Remote Toolkit
The Toolkit view
- Objects and Handles
- Object Types
- Streams
- Sequences
- Properties
- dt_parent-age and dt_base
- dt_dealloc and Memory Leaks
- Persistence of Objects and Returned Values
- Debugging Tricks
Programming languages
- C
- F77
- Perl
- others
Programming tools and environments
- Debuggers
- Purify
The functions
Contrib examples
Web development
Case studies
- WinMerlin (Bernd Rohde, Novartis)
- Stigmata (Norah MacCuish, Daylight)
- mol2smi (Jeremy Yang, Daylight)
- UC_SELECT (Geoff Skillman, UCSF)
- daybase.cgi (Jeremy Yang, Daylight)
- Diversity Map (Bernd Rohde, Novartis)
- SPURT (Bernd Rohde, Novartis)
- Others
I. Special Topics:
CGI-Programming with JavaGRINS - Ragu Bharadwaj
Special Topic: The Future of Computational Chemistry
Lab Activities - Intro to Daylight
I. Daylight Basics - Languages and Applications
- SMILES/SMARTS Practice I SMILES Practice II-
Compose SMILES, Isomeric SMILES, and Reaction SMILES from depictions,
self test by using DayCGI depict tool.
- SMARTS Practice II
- Compose SMARTS for described chemical target substructures /
functional groups.Also recursive and disconnected SMARTS. Generating
postscript with SMARTS highlighted using prado from the printpackage.
- TDT Retrieval and editing with xvthor-running xvthor and experimenting with its various features.
- Structural,
Non-Structural, Mixture and Reaction Searching - exploratory
data analysis techniques with Merlin including Chuckles, Chortles,
Charts and Reaction SMILES and SMARTS
- Thorfilters/Sthorman - thorlookup, thorlist, etc. also generating poscript with prado from printpackage
- PCModels/PCFilters - running xvpcmodels, clogp and cmr in various modes.
- Cluster Package - generating a clustered dataset, jarpat, listclusters, showclusters, etc.
- Rubicon - generating 3D coordinates for a TDT file
- DayCGI and MCL - using the web applications, JavaGrins, and the daycgi Wizard program to generate an MCL script.
II. Daylight Administration
- Installing 4.62 from CDROM
- gzip -d and tar
- Installing a Database -
- Server Security - adding
a user or host using sthorman, passwords
- Starting and Killing the
Servers - several ways: on command line with no log file, with
log file, with script; monitoring log file
- Loading a Merlin Pool -
with merlinload, sthorman
- Configuring a
Database - auxilliary databases, passwords, file paths,
read-only, caching
- Configuring a Merlin
Pool- selecting datafields for loading
- Setting options-
via environment variables, dy_profile.opt, dy_sysprofile.opt, and
command line
Creating a Database- using sthorman and thormake
Loading a Database- with sthorman and thorload
Building a Database- automating with scripts
Designing a Database- specifying a new datatype
DayCGI Administration-, httpd aliases and script aliases
III. Daylight Toolkits
Compiling cansmi.c- the "hello.c" of Daylight programs
Modifying cansmi.c - to count atoms and bonds in the molecule
Compiling the contrib code- adding a new program to a makefile
Creating a development environment - copying a contrib source file
and makefile; editing the makefile appropriately; recompiling
More cansmi.c- reaction toolkit basics
Exploring reaction functionality
Transform Basics - Using and understanding transforms
Creating a CGI - in /daycgi/, to run one Daylight application
- Compiling, running, and analyzing some example code:
- rings.c (SMILES)
- smartsmatch.c (SMARTS)
- thorget.c (Thor)
- minimer.c (Merlin)
- (Merlin)
- react.c (Reactions)
- add2d.c (Depict)
- chifinger.c (Fingerprint)
- chor2smi.c (Monomer)
- depict_usage_1.c (Depict + Xlib)
- depict_usage_3.c (Depict Widget)
- PROJECTS - selected projects of interest to students
Daylight Chemical Information Systems Inc.