Daylight Summer School 1998, July 28-30, St. John's College, Santa Fe, NM

Daylight Worksheet - DayCGI programming

The Daylight system has integrated web capabilities which allow access to Daylight tools via web browser. The "DayCGI toolkit" is not a rigorously defined API as is the dt_ function libraries, the true Daylight Toolkit. Rather, DayCGI programming means combining an assortment of Daylight and non-Daylight tools to deliver Daylight database and computational services via the web.

  1. This exercise consists of installing and configuring the thorget.cgi web application described and downloadable from First find the web page and download the tar archive. Un-tar the contents into a temporary directory for inspection and read the instructions provided in the comments of thorget.cgi.

  2. You will need to install the files in a directory accessible to the webserver. One natural choice is the directory specified by script-alias /daycgi/.

  3. Verify installation by searching databases with the installed CGI. The URL should be http://yourhostname/daycgi/thorget.cgi.

Daylight Chemical Information Systems Inc.