Daylight Summer School 2002, June 5 - 7, Santa Fe, NM
DayCart Overview
Jack Delany
DAYLIGHT Chemical Information Systems, Inc. Mission Viejo, CA USA
What is a cartridge, anyway?
An Oracle Data Cartridge is a set of tools which extends Oracle servers with
new capabilities.
A cartridge consists of a number of different components which work together to
provide complete database capabilities within the information domain.
The new capabilities are tightly integrated with the database engine and
extend the server in a very general, robust way.
What does DayCart look like?
A set of utilities which extends the Oracle server at the SQL
language level.
It is a set of chemical utilities (normalizations, data conversions,
comparison functions) which provide the missing pieces required to manage
chemical data in an Oracle database.
What does it do for you?
- Provide high performance chemical functionality within an RDBMS framework,
- Deliver this functionality in a robust, flexible, supportable,
expandable fashion,
- Deliver the chemical functionality in a seamless, integrated fashion.
How does it fit with the rest of our tools?
DayCart is complementary to the toolkits, clustering package, printing tools,
program objects, etc.
Daycart is an alternative to Thor and Merlin for data archival and exploration.
DayCart actually contains the toolkits that it needs for it's own operation;
there are no runtime dependancies on the traditional Daylight tools or
What platforms can I use?
The current Cartridge version is v4.73, which was released late 2001.
Solaris 7 & 8, 32-bit Oracle
Red Hat 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 32-bit Oracle
IRIX 6.5x, 64-bit Oracle
Oracle Standard and Enterprise Editions
Versions 8.1.5, 8.1.6, 8.1.7, 9.0.1
Where can I learn more?
The Daycart
Manual - The reference documentation for installation and use of Daycart.
Previous Presentation - A previous, detailed whitepaper on the cartridge
architecture and our implementation.