Travel Information

The Radisson Hotel is at 750 N. St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501. Phone: 505-992-5591.

The Daylight Research office is next door at 441 Greg Ave., Santa Fe, NM, 87501.

Santa Fe is 1 hour's drive from the Albuquerque airport. The Santa Fe airport is restricted to commuter flights, accessible only from Denver and a few other cities.

Airport Shuttle:
Airport shuttle reservations from Albuquerque can be made in advance with Sandia Shuttle at 505-474-5696.

If you are driving to the hotel, see map below.
For further information, please email, or call the Corporate Office at 949-367-9990 or fax 949-367-0990.

Map to the Daylight Research Office and the adjacent Radisson Hotel