Travel Information

The Daylight Research office is at 441 Greg Ave., Santa Fe, NM, 87501.

The Radisson Hotel is next door, 50 yards away, at 750 N. St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501. Phone: 505-992-5591.

Santa Fe is 1 hour's drive from the Albuquerque airport. The Santa Fe airport is restricted to commuter flights, accessible only from Denver and a few other cities.

Airport Shuttle:
Airport shuttle reservations from Albuquerque can be made in advance with Sandia Shuttle at 505-474-5696.

If you are driving to the hotel, see map below.
For further information, please email, or call the Corporate Office at 949-367-9990 or fax 949-367-0990.

Map to the Daylight Research Office and the adjacent Radisson Hotel