Thorfilters-command line interface to Thor Databases and Thor/Merlin
server administraion
Thorfilters is included in the administration tools in the
Database package
Can be used in custom scripts for database management tasks
database building, loading, updating
Also via CGI scripts to provide the back end to a Daylight
database web-interface
thorserver and merlinserver licensed and running
user priveleges for databases
thorfilter database%dbpass@host:service:user%userpass
database--name of
the database being opened
for the database
host--computer on
which the server is running
service--IPC service
(or "port") the server is using
user--user name
for logging into server
for "user" for logging into serve
tdtcat-> read and write Thor Data Trees(TDTs)
thorchange-> change the properties of a Thor database
tdtcount -> count bytes, identifiers, non-identifiers and TDTs
thorcrunch-> recover unused space in a Thor database
thordbinfo-> report the configuration of a Thor Database
thordbping-> verify the existence of a Thor database
thordestroy-> destroy a Thor database(permenently erase it)
thordelete-> delete TDTs from a Thor database
thordiff-> compare the contents of two THOR databases
thordump-> dump the contents of a Thor database to a TDT file
thorlist-> dump the contents of a Thor database to a TDT file
thorload-> load data into a Thor database
thorlookup-> look up a TDT in a Thor database
thorls-> as a Thor server to list its databases
thormake-> create a Thor database and/or set its properties
thorping-> verify the existence of a Thor server
thorwho-> ask a Thor server to list current users
merlindbping-> verify the existence of a Merlin database
merlinload-> load a database into the Merlin server's memory
merlinls-> ask a Merlin server to list its databases
merlinping-> verify the existence of a Merlin server
merlinwho-> ask a Merlin server to list current users
Generic Programs
dayevict-> evict clients from Thor/Merlin server or database
daymessage-> send message to users Thor/Merlin clients
Example-Dump the contents of the medchem98demo to a TDT file.
thorlist medchem98demo%@sun1:thor:norah% >medchem98demo.tdt
Daylight Chemical Information Systems Inc.