Daylight Summer School 2000, June 7-9, Santa Fe, NM
DayCGI -- web tools and interfaces to Daylight databases
Daycgi Requirements:
- HTTP server and daycgi license
- JavaGrins requires dayutils license
- Web browser
- properly configured $DY_ROOT/daycgi/
Databases with a web interface:
Applications with a web interface:
Interactive Web interface builders:
DayCGI Tools
$DY_ROOT/daycgi contains scripts which can be utilized in CGI/ Perl scripts
JavaGrins-Java Molecular Editor
- Browser must be Netscape Communicator
- Netscape Communicator 4.04 and above on Windows 95
- Netscape Communicator 4.05 on Solaris
- Netscape Communicator 4.02 and above on MacOS on the PowerPC
- Netscape Communicator 4.x on the SGI (IRIX6.4)
- Server running Solaris 2.5.1+ or IRIX 5.3+
- Server running JRE (Java Runtime Environment)
- dayutils configuration file $DY_ROOT/data/dayutilsperm.dat
- dayutils server license
Daylight Chemical Information Systems Inc.