Daylight Summer School 2000, June 7-9, Santa Fe, NM

Daylight Worksheet - Loading Merlin pools -- WITH HINTS

Once the Merlinserver is started, databases must be loaded for them to be accessible. Loaded databases are "pools" of selected searchable datafields in a spreadsheet-model data structure of columns and rows.

  1. After the Merlinserver is started, pools may be loaded with sthorman or merlinload. When using sthorman for this or any Merlinserver task, be sure to connect to the "merlin" service, and not the default "thor" service. You will need to know the authorization password of the administrator user "thor".

  2. Use sthorman to load a pool. Select one of the pools listed and verify that it has been loaded successfully by performing a search with xvmerlin. Also examine the Merlinserver log file for any errors. Then use sthorman to release the pool from memory.
    % sthorman
    Version: sthorman 4.62
              .  STHORMAN -- Serial THOR Manager Program.        .
              .                                                  .
              .  Enter "?" for help at any prompt.               .
              .  The menu selection "." goes to top-level menu.  .
    STHORMAN needs to be connected to a server.
    Enter machine the server is running on: ("daylight") 
    Enter port (service) of server: ("thor") merlin
    Enter username: ("jj") thor
    Enter server username's password: 
    Connected to new server.
    Current service:  daylight:merlin
    1) Connect to a new server
    2) List server's version
    3) List current users
    4) Change server security...
    5) Databases...
    6) Send message to users...
    7) Evict user...
    0) Quit
    Enter menu selection (or '?'): 5
    1) List known pools
    2) Change database search-path...
    3) Pool: Load database and hold in memory
    4) Pool: Release from memory
    5) Column: Create and hold in memory
    6) Column: Release from memory
    7) Show pool info
    8) Evict users of a pool...
    0) Go back to server menu
    Enter menu selection (or '?'): 3 
    Databases that aren't currently loaded:
     1) <other>
     2) /daylight/thordb/DTYPEMASTER.THOR
     3) /daylight/thordb/SMARTS.THOR
     4) /daylight/thordb/asinex98.THOR
     5) /daylight/thordb/chemsynth97demo.THOR
     6) /daylight/thordb/maybridge99demo.THOR
     7) /daylight/thordb/mix97demo.THOR
     8) /daylight/thordb/mix97demo_monomers.THOR
     9) /daylight/thordb/nci95.THOR
    10) /daylight/thordb/nci96.THOR
    11) /daylight/thordb/spresirxn98demo.THOR
    12) /daylight/thordb/wdi991demo.THOR
    Enter database to load into Merlin server: 10
    NOTE: Loading a database into the Merlin server's memory can take some time.
    Are you sure you want to load "/daylight/thordb/maybridge99demo.THOR"? ("yes") 
    Loading the database "/daylight/thordb/maybridge99demo.THOR", Please wait...   
        NOTE: *********************************************************
        NOTE: *                                                       *
        NOTE: *    [DEMO] Maybridge Chemical Catalog 1999 [DEMO]      *
        NOTE: *                                                       *
        NOTE: *  Maybridge is maintained and published by Maybridge   *
        NOTE: *  Chemical Company Ltd., Cornwall, England.  This      *
        NOTE: *  version is prepared by Daylight in cooperation with  *
        NOTE: *  Maybridge.                                           *
        NOTE: *********************************************************
    Done loading database.
    Database "/daylight/thordb/maybridge99demo.THOR" marked "HOLD".
    Examine database with xvmerlin...
    1) List known pools
    2) Change database search-path...
    3) Pool: Load database and hold in memory
    4) Pool: Release from memory
    5) Column: Create and hold in memory
    6) Column: Release from memory
    7) Show pool info
    8) Evict users of a pool...
    0) Go back to server menu
    Enter menu selection (or '?'): 4
    Server's loaded databases:
     2) /daylight/thordb/maybridge99demo.THOR
    Enter database to release from Merlin server: 2
    Enter executive password for database "/daylight/thordb/maybridge99demo.THOR": 
    NOTE: Once you release a pool from the Merlin server's memory,
          the server will discard it.  It can take a long time to re-load a pool.
    Are you sure you want to release "/daylight/thordb/maybridge99demo.THOR"? ("yes")
    Database released from server's memory.
    NOTE: The database will not actually be removed from the server's
          memory until the last client closes it.

  3. Use merlinload to load a pool. Select one of the pools listed by thorls and verify that it has been loaded successfully by performing a search with xvmerlin. Use merlinload to release the pool (enter merlinload -help to display the option for releasing).

    % merlinload -help
    % thorls
    % merlinload medchem99demo
    % xvmerlin
    % merlinload -LOAD_POOL RELEASE medchem99demo

  4. A third way of loading Merlin pools is by specifying them as arguments to the merlinserver command. Try this and verify that the pool(s) are loaded without error.

    % merlinserver medchem99demo wdi991demo

Daylight Chemical Information Systems Inc.