Lookup and structural searches (Find, SubStructure, Neighbor and SMARTS) are accomplished using the Daylight Thor database system and the Merlin/mcl program. There are several databases available at Searle, including the ACD database as well as Thor databases of Searle proprietary compounds. With minor modifications, it is possible to interface ChemMart to any Thor database.
A sample page shows the ChemDraw plugin and available application buttons. This page has a working ChemDraw plug-in, provided you have the plug-in properly installed on your machine. The application buttons do not work as they would if a real web-server with databases and Daylight software were involved. Instead, pushing the Find button for example, will show you a sample output page generated from a previous search of ACD.
Many of the application buttons have an options button associated with them. The options button allows the user to modify certain aspects of function, such as which databases to search and which parameters to use for a neighbor search. The actual options buttons on the sample page will not function, since this is just a sample. You can view a sample options page to get a sense of the available options for a neighbor search.