Tues-Fri, 23-26 February 1999
Radisson Hotel, Santa Fe, New Mexico
New Web Site-
Why change?
Many customers have been very comfortable with the gif image
map approach to web browsing and can find what they need.
Some complaints:
"I searched and searched, gave up and finally called a friend
of mine at another company who use Daylight to find out your phone number.
Where is it listed on the web site?"
"It takes forever for my home computer to download your homepage
gif , do you have a text version?"
"I don't like trying to guess which link it
is that may have the answer I want, it's fastest just to use
your search engine to find things."
From Daylight's perspective, need something which is easy to maintain and
modify to include user suggestions.
Tables, text and javascript
Requirements for use
Browser "Sniffing" will automatically determine if you have IE4 or Navigator
4 or >