Enter information for tracking use and errors in this program.
Required Functional Group none acetal acid_chloride acid_halide alcohol aldehyde alkene alkyl alkyl_halide alkylating_agent alkyne amide anhydride aniline aryl_halide azide azo carbamate carbamic_acid carbonate carbonyl carboxylic_acid combi_linker combi_fcn combi_any disulfide dithioacetal enamine enol_ether epoxide ester ether hemiacetal hemiketal hydrazine hydrozone imino isocyanate isothiocyanate ketal ketone lactam lactone nitrile nitro organometallic oxalyl oxime peroxide phenol phosphonic_acid phosphonic_ester primary_amine secondary_amine sulfide sulfonamide sulfone sulfonic_acid sulfonic_ester sulfonyl_halide sulfoxide tertiary_amine thiocarbonyl thioether thiol thiourea triazine urea
Discard Double Occurances? Yes No OK In Ring? Don't Care Yes No ( if not alpha beta gamma ortho meta para any_attachment to a none acetal acid_chloride acid_halide alcohol aldehyde alkene alkyl alkyl_halide alkyne amide anhydride aniline azide azo carbamate carbamic_acid carbonate carbonyl carboxylic_acid disulfide dithioacetal enamine enol_ether epoxide ester ether hemiacetal hemiketal hydrazine hydrozone imino isocyanate isothiocyanate ketal ketone lactam lactone nitrile nitro organometallic oxalyl oxime peroxide phenol phosphonic_acid phosphonic_ester primary_amine ring secondary_amine sulfide sulfonamide sulfone sulfonic_acid sulfonic_ester sulfonyl_halide sulfoxide tertiary_amine thiocarbonyl thioether thiol thiourea triazine urea ) x 1 2 ignore if not alpha_branched alpha_t_branched beta_branched beta_t_branched gamma_branched gamma_t_branched
Essential Smiles (optional) Try this java SMILES editor!
Other essential SMARTS (optional).
Compound name substring (optional).
Compound MFCD substring (optional).
Molecular Weight:
Maximum Minimum
Maximum ClogP Error: -0P;All fragments measured -10P;Valid estimate for difficult structure -20P;Estimated fragment value used -30P;Approximated fragment value used -31P;Benzyl approximation used -32P;Vinyl approximation used -33P;New approximated fragment value used -40P;A priori fragment value used -41P;Benzyl approx. based on a priori value -42P;Vinyl approx. based on a priori value -43P;Other a priori fragment value used -50P;Warning, hard-to-estimate structure -51P;Very high LogP unrealistic in nature -52P;"X/Y-C-C-Y" excessive structure -54P;Possibly low due to hydrophillic overlap -55P;Possibly anomalous steroid -56P;Possibly anomalous alkaloid -57P;Error uncertain for charged structures -58P;(NEW) STRUCTURE CAUGHT IN SCREEN -60P;INVALID due to missing fragment value -70P;Apparent impossible structure -71P;CLOGP3 can't do disconnected structures -72P;Apparent impossible structure -80P;INVALID smiles input (fatal) -90P;NULL smiles input (fatal)
H-Bond Donors:
H-Bond Acceptors:
Rotatable Bonds:
Formal Charges:
Maximum USD per Gram