MUG '98 -- 12th Annual Daylight User Group Meeting -- 24 February 1997

ChemBench, the electronic labjournal

Christian Rufener
F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Grenzacherstrasse, Basel, 4002 CH


ChemBench is a labjournal application developed and used by the Combinatorial Chemistry Group at Roche Basel. It allows to store, retrieval and enumeration of combinatorial experiments in a matrix-like format. The chemist can specify generic chemical reactions assign components, automatically generate the corresponding products and create reports in Microsoft Office Applications.

ChemBench is based on a C/S architecture and uses the Daylight Reaction Toolkit for the structure enumeration. Communication between the client and the server part of the application is established via Common Object Request Broker Architecure (CORBA).


Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.