Tuesday-Friday, 24-27 February, 1998
Eldorado Hotel, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Oracle8 Object, Extensibility, and Data Cartridge Technology

Dr. Samuel DeFazio (bio)
Oracle Corporation, New England Development Center


Oracle8 is an object-relational database management system. This presentation provides an overview of Oracle8 with emphasis on the related object and extensibility features. These Oracle8 features enable users and software suppliers to implement domain-specific database extensions called data cartridges. Within the Oracle Network Computing Architecture (NCA), a data cartridge is the fundamental database server mechanism for extensibility. Through examples, the presentation will show how the Oracle8 object and extensibility features can be used to build data cartridges for complex forms of data including chemical, image, text, audio, video, spatial, and time series. Special attention will be given to the development of data cartridge technology for chemical structures and related data elements.


Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.