Tuesday-Friday, 24-27 February, 1998
Eldorado Hotel, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Dr. Samuel Defazio - bio

Samuel DeFazio is Director of Object Database Technology for Oracle Corporation. His current research and development focus is the design and implementation of object-relational database technology for complex forms of data. This work involves developing extensibility features for the Oracle Server that enable the integration of modern indexing, search, and retrieval technology for very large collections of image, time series, spatial, chemical, video and other non-scalar forms of data. Before joining Oracle Corporation, he was the Director of Extensible Database Technology for Digital Equipment Corporation. In this capacity, he was responsible for the advanced development of object and multimedia technology for Digital's Rdb family of database system products.

Dr. DeFazio received a BS degree in mathematics from the Pennsylvania State University in 1974, and MS and PhD degrees in computer science in 1980 and 1988, respectively, from the University of Pittsburgh. He is currently located at the Oracle New England Development Center, One Oracle Drive, Nashua, NH 03062 and can be contacted via e-mail at sdefazio@us.oracle.com.

Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.