Aquire Database Summary
Tue Jun 21 09:53:10 MDT 1994
Database ............................ $DY_THORDB/aquire94.THOR
Datatypes database .................. $DY_THORDB/aquire94_datatypes
Indirect reference database ......... $DY_THORDB/aquire94_indirect
Primary hash-table: # of TDTs ....... 4087
Primary hash-table: bytes used ...... 14849439 (100.0%)
Primary hash-table: bytes free ...... 0 (0.0%)
Cross-ref. hash-table: # of TDTs .... 4873
Cross-ref. hash-table: bytes used ... 288095 (96.9%)
Cross-ref. hash-table: bytes free ... 9180 (3.1%)
Crunch limit ........................ 0.5
datatypes #dataitems #tdts (% of total) avg#/tdt max tdt sizeKB
======================= =========== ================== ======== ======== ======
$CAS CAS Number 4244 4087 (100.0) 1.0 12 61
$GRF Graph 2437 2437 ( 59.6) 1.0 1 59
$SMI SMILES 2437 2437 ( 59.6) 1.0 1 62
----------------------- ----------- ------------------ -------- -------- ------
total identifiers 9118 4087 (100.0) 2.2 14 181
======================= =========== ================== ======== ======== ======
AQR AQUATIC TOXICIT 21544 4087 (100.0) 5.3 606 496
BCF BIOCONCENTRACTI 6585 283 ( 6.9) 23.3 445 1672
EC EFFECTIVE CONCE 9152 1223 ( 29.9) 7.5 337 1981
ET TIME FOR EFFECT 271 54 ( 1.3) 5.0 31 64
FP Fingerprint 2437 2437 ( 59.6) 1.0 1 121
LC LETHAL CONCENTR 43162 3155 ( 77.2) 13.7 1300 9348
LD LETHAL DOSE 426 126 ( 3.1) 3.4 47 88
LT SURVIVAL TIME 1923 350 ( 8.6) 5.5 115 423
TS Timestamp 4087 4087 (100.0) 1.0 1 76
----------------------- ----------- ------------------ -------- -------- ------
total non-identifiers 89587 4087 (100.0) 21.9 2569 14268
======================= =========== ================== ======== ======== ======
total all datatypes 98705 4087 (100.0) 24.2 2572 14450