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Research History
Tversky Measure -- Introduction to Tversky similarity measure, John Bradshaw, Daylight User Group Meeting, MUG ’97, Feb.26, 1997.
Asymmetric Clustering Algorithms -- An Improved Algorithm for Hierarchical Clustering Using Strong Components, Robert Tarjan, Inf. Process. Lett.,17, 1983, pp.37-441.
Taylor-Butina Algorithm -- Simulation Analysis of Experimental Design Strategies for Screening Random Compounds as Potential New Drugs and Agrochemicals, Taylor, R. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci 1995, 35, 59-67.
Unsupervised Data Base Clustering Based on Daylight's Fingerprint and Tanimoto Similarity: A Fast and Automated Way To Cluster Small and Large Data Sets. Darko Butina, JCICS, 1999, 39(4), 747-750.
Jarvis-Patrick Algorithm – Clustering Using a Similarity Measure based on Nearest Neighbors, Jarvis, R. A.; Patrick, E. A. (1973); IEEE Trans. Comput., C-22, 1025-1034.