MUG '02 MUGnet

Network Information

This page contains network information pertaining to the MUG meeting computer network, MUGnet. For questions or comments, talk to a Daylight Krewe member or email Michael A. Kappler.

 Color code 

 red  network devices
 yellow   Daylight clients and servers 
 green  public use

 Table 1: DHCP IP Information 

 default route
 name server
 static  192.168.1.[1-99]
 dynamic  192.168.1.[100-254] 
 domain name

 Table 2: General IP Information 

 default route
 name server
 domain name

 Table 3: Specific IP Information 

 Description  Operating System   IP Address
 mugbase   Wireless Internet Base
 mugbridge  Wireless Internet Bridge
 mugprinter  Laser Writer 16/600 PS
 mugadmin  466MHz Intel Celeron 256MB  Red Hat Linux 6.2
 mugster  1GHz Pentium III 512MB  Red Hat Linux 6.2
 day0, a.k.a. mug
 Daylight Server
 Name Server
 Web Server
 2x 270MHz R12K IP27 2GB  SGI Irix 6.5
 sun1  ???MHz UltraSPARC-?? ??MB  SUN Solaris ?
 sun2  ???MHz UltraSPARC-?? ??MB  SUN Solaris ?
 sun3  ???MHz UltraSPARC-?? ??MB  SUN Solaris ?
 sun4  ???MHz UltraSPARC-?? ??MB  SUN Solaris ?
 sun5  ???MHz UltraSPARC-?? ??MB  SUN Solaris ?
 sun6  ???MHz UltraSPARC-?? ??MB  SUN Solaris ?
 sgi1  195MHz IP32 R10K 256MB  SGI Irix 6.5.11m
 linux1  500MHz Pentium III 128MB  Red Hat Linux 6.2
 linux2  700MHz Pentium III 256MB  Red Hat Linux 7.1
 linux3  300 MHz Pentium II 384MB  Red Hat Linux 7.2
 fedora  2x 450MHz Macintosh G4 1.5GB  Mac OS-X public beta
 g4dp  2x 450MHz Macintosh G4 1.5GB  Mac OS-X public beta
 win1  200MHz Pentium Pro 64MB  MS Windows NT
 mugport  Apple Wireless Base
 mugdhcp  Linksys DHCP NAT router

Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.