MUG '01 Survey
Please complete this form and return to anyone of the Daylight Krewe. Please feel free to select more than one box per question. There is a place for comments at the end of the survey.
Email address:
- May we include your e-mail address and phone number in a list of EMUG '01 Meeting attendees to be sent to all attendees?
Location, Facilities and Meeting Format
Daylight Oracle Cartridge
Future Directions
Rank the following in terms of your interest (1=highest)
DayCart optimizer support
DayCart OCI extensions
DayCart client tools
DayCart exact MW
DayCart CLOB datatype
DayCart finger test for SMARTS
native Windows toolkit
HTTP server interfaces
Java interfaces
network licensing
fingerprint as a search query in Merlin
Daylight software on a Linux cluster
simplified JavaGrins with SMARTS
HTS application
support of toolkit language interfaces (Python, Java, Perl, GCL)
alignment of depiction
Merlin/MCL NOT operator
contrib organization
open source more of Daylight code to contrib
output non-SMILES identifiers from contrib program MERQ
Thor datatypes interface/checker
Thorload error handling (continue, skip or help?)
conversion of tab- or comma-delimited data to TDT
one-time purchase of DayCart, annual purchase of support/upgrades
pricing for consultants (lone developers) and property rights
pricing in general
Technical Support
Some Technical Details
General or Specific Comments:
Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.