MUG'01 -- 6-9 March 2001 -- Santa Fe, NM

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Jeremy Yang

GADD Program description

	| gadd    - GA-based Druglike Database evolver using       |
	|           clogp-type frags/cfrags.                       |
	|                                                          |
	| gadd [opts] -frags <file> -cfrags <file>                 |
	|                                                          |
	|   -frags  <file> ... input frags smiles file (reqd)      |
	|   -cfrags <file> ... input cfrags smiles file (reqd)     |
	| opts:                                                    |
	|   -db <dbspec>   ... Thor db to create                   |
	|   -dbsize <npri> ... Size of db to create                |
	|   -nmax <N>      ... Maximum population to achieve       |
	|   -genmax <I>    ... Maximum number of generations       |
	|   -sample <J>    ... Select only every jth hit           |
	|   -nofraglist    ... Don't record frags used             |
	|   -message <msg> ... Description of experiment           |
	|   -seed   <file> ... initial file of UMOLs               |
	|   -noendgame     ... don't cleanup (leave UMOLs)         |
	|   -endgameonly   ... just cleanup existing gadd db       |
	|   -nofavorites   ... don't weight fragment selection     |
	|   -quiet         ... minimal progress reports            |
	|   -help          ... this help                           |
	|                                                          |
	| fitness opts:                                            |
	|   -min_wt MINWT ... min molweight [200]                  |
	|   -max_wt MAXWT ... max molweight [500]                  |
	|   -min_charge MINQ ... min total formal charge [-2]      |
	|   -max_charge MAXQ ... max total formal charge [+2]      |
	|   -min_rb MINRB ... min rotatable bond count [0]         |
	|   -max_rb MAXRB ... max rotatable bond count [8]         |
	|   -min_hbd MINHBD .... min h-bond donor sites [0]        |
	|   -max_hbd MAXHBD .... max h-bond donor sites [5]        |
	|   -min_hba MINHBA .... min h-bond acceptor sites [0]     |
	|   -max_hba MAXHBA .... max h-bond acceptor sites [10]    |
	|   -min_cp MINCP .... min clogp value [-10]               |
	|   -max_cp MAXCP .... max clogp value [+5]                |
	|   -min_heavy N .... min heavy atoms [15]                 |
	|   -max_heavy N .... max heavy atoms [50]                 |
	|                                                          |
	|   -nofitness     ... Ignore fitness considerations       |
	|   -badsmarts <file> ... Reject matches with SMARTS       |
	|                                                          |
	|                   Daylight CIS Inc.                      |
	|              Toolkit Contributed Program                 |


MUG'01 -- 6-9 March 2001 -- Santa Fe, NM

Daylight Chemical Information Systems Inc.