MUG '00 Survey
Please complete this form and return to anyone of the Daylight Krewe. Please
feel free to select more than one box per question. There is a place for comments at the very end of the survey.
Email address:
Name/Last: First:
- May we include your e-mail address and phone number in a list of EMUG '00 Meeting attendees to be sent to all attendees?
Location, Facilities and Meeting Format
- This year we had 12 Daylight/Metaphorics presentations and 12 User presentations
for 3 1/2 days and demos,SIGS and hands-on time the end of the each day.
How did you like this format?
I prefer this format
I prefer having more user presentations
I prefer more time for demos and hands-on
- How did you like the Radisson ?
Loved it, great, keep the meeting here.
It was ok
Not much
Prefer a place elsewhere in Santa Fe
Prefer a place elsewhere in the US, Specify:
- Are you using JAVA?
Yes, we are using JAVA heavily
Yes, we are just trying out JAVA
No, but plan to
No don't see using it in the near future
- Are you interested in JAVA Grins with the new SMARTS capability?
Yes, we are currently using Java Grins
Yes, we would like to demo
Java Grins
Maybe, we will try
it out
- What do you think of the new java tools simultaneous user license scheme?
Yes like it better than node locked license
It will work for my company
No would prefer: img src="./graphics/mrect.gif" align=middle>
- What browser are you using?
Netscape 3
Netscape 4
- Would you like Java Grins to do SMIRKS?
Yes, definitely need SMIRKS
Yes, would be nice, but not using SMIRKS currently
No not necessary
- Does your company require JavaGrins to run via Internet Explorer in order for you to
use JavaGrins?
- If Daylight offered Java classes to interface the toolkit libraries would
your company
Yes definitely use them
Yes, consider using them
Evaluate them
No, not interested in them
Daylight Oracle Cartridge
- How interested are you in the Daylight Oracle Cartridge?
- Extremely interested
- Interested
- Not really interested
- Would like to demo
- What version of Oracle are you running?
- Oracle Version:
- What platform/OS do you require for your Oracle server?
- Sun
- HP
- Linux
- Other:
Daliserver - Daylight License Server
What do you think of our new license server?
Like it better than the current system
Looks more complicated than I would like it to be
Looks like it will be easier for my company to manage licenses
Looks difficult to use
Prefer the current license system
Depictions and the DepictServer
- Will your company be using the new smi2gif 2D
coordinate feature to depict structures on the web?
- Yes
- No
- Would your company like Daylight depictions enabled to
depict structures using 2D coordinates found in TDT files?
- Yes
- No
- Does your site require the DepictServer, so that
you could incorporate your own depiction rules
and have them applied to depictions if required?
- Yes
- No
VCS Database
- Would your company be intersted in the VCS database?
- Yes
- No
- Would like a demo
Technical Support
- If you have used Daylight support, were you satified with the service? Check all that apply
- Extremely satisfied
- Satisfied
- Unsatisfied(make remarks at end)
- Response time was good
- Response time was too slow(make remarks at end)
- Have you had problems with installing Daylight software?
- Lots of problems
- A few problems
- No problems
- What media do you prefer for installation?
- Web
- Have you been unable to use/had problems using our anonymous FTP site?
- Yes
- No
- Haven't tried to use it
- How many people at your site would like to attend this year's
"Daylight Summer School"- our introductory course on daylight software ?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3 or more
- Has a bug in the version of daylight you are currently using
affected your usage of the Daylight software?
- Yes
- Yes, but found a workaround
- No
Some Technical Details
- What operating system(s) do you use for your Daylight servers?
- Sun
Solaris 2.5
Solaris 2.6
Solaris 2.7 / Solaris 7
- Other:
- What sorts of computers/operating systems on your desktops
do you use when accessing
Daylight software? (Check all that apply)
- Sun/Solaris
- Intel/NT
- Intel/Windows '95/'98
- Intel/Linux
- Mac/Linux
- Other:
- What sorts of filesizes for your Thor databases do
you expect within this year?
Less than 2 Gbytes
Greater than 2 Less than 8 Gbytes
Greater than 8 Less than 16 Gbytes
More than 16 Gbytes
- Is your company interested in trying out the Linux port
of the Daylight software?
- What platform?
- PC-Intel Compatible
- PowerMac
- Other:
General or Specific Comments: