EuroMUG'99 -- 28-29 October 1999 -- Cambridge, UK

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Jeremy Yang

GoForth program description:

Main program written in DayPerl, perl wrapper for the Daylight Toolkit. Program syntax:

    | goforth - evolve and multiply SMILES populations with    |
    |           reaction transforms.                           |
    |                                                          |
    | goforth [opts] smirksfile.dat < in.smi                   |
    |                                                          |
    | opts:                                                    |
    |   -db <dbspec>   ... Thor db to create                   |
    |   -dbsize <npri> ... Size of db to create                |
    |   -nmax <N>      ... Maximum population to achieve       |
    |   -genmax <I>    ... Maximum number of generations       |
    |   -sample <J>    ... Select only every jth hit           |
    |   -nofitness     ... Ignore fitness considerations       |
    |   -badsmarts <file> ... Reject matches with SMARTS       |
    |   -help          ... this help                           |
    |                                                          |
    |                   Daylight CIS, Inc.                     |
    |        Toolkit (DayPerl) Contributed Program             |

EuroMUG'99 -- 28-29 October 1999 -- Cambridge, UK

Daylight Chemical Information Systems Inc.