Virtual Network File Servers


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Table of Contents

Virtual Network File Servers


Sequence Database Management

Very Large Database Size

Multiple Database Formats

Subset and Superset Databases

Database Integrity and Updating

Advanced Database Systems

The Curse of Backward Compatibility

Virtual Network File Servers

CGI is to HTTP what VNFS is to NFS, SMB or AppleShare!

The Advantages of VNFS

SUN Microsystems’ NFS

NFS Version 2 Protocol

Example VNFS Applications

Metaphorics’ VNFS Server Implementation

Metaphorics’ VNFS Architecture

Using Metaphorics’ VNFS Server

Metaphorics’ VNFS Server Plug-ins

Example #1: SwissProt plug-in

Example #2: GNU gzip plug-in

Writing your own plug-ins

Really writing your own plug-ins

Author: Roger Sayle