Commercial databases distributed by Daylight and current during Daylight release 4.51 will be upgraded by Daylight and provided to licensees of Daylight 4.61. If you are unsure of the availability of databases please contact
User databases and versions no longer supported as per the above must be upgraded by the user (local Daylight administrator). This document provides a fairly detailed overview of this procedure.
Daylight Software Version 4.61 contains bug fixes and enhancements that make it necessary to update pre-4.61 databases before they will work correctly with Version 4.61 software. These changes have to do with the fingerprint dataitems.
4.61 includes a script, $DY_ROOT/bin/thordbfix461, which upgrades older databases to 4.61 compatibility.
This program proceeds follows:
This usually works silently, and requires minimial additional disk space during the processing. The database may grow slightly during the reload processs, but this growth is typically less than 5% of the original size.
Although this update process is well tested, there is always the possibility of a power failure or other catastrophy that could result in loss of data.
If the disk becomes full during database reloading, you will need to discard the partially rebuilt database and begin again. If the old database was saved, move it back to the original directory. If it was not saved, you will need the backup copy to restore the original.
To use this program, you must be the Thor database administrator. That is, you must be logged in as the user who owns Thor database files and has permission to write to those files.
In addition, you environment variables should be set up to be identical to those defined for the Thorserver and Merlinserver programs when they normally run. In particular, DY_ROOT must be defined, and any environment variables used when creating your databases (e.g. DY_THORDB) must be defined.
USAGE: thordbfix461 [-d database] [-p write_pw] [t write_pw] [-q] [-r] [-s service] -d database ... database to be fixed -p write_pw ... write password on database -t write_pw ... write password on datatypes database -q ... quiet: minimize questions -r ... real-quiet: completely non-interactive -s service ... Thor IPC service or: thordbfix461 -h ... print short help message and quit or: thordbfix461 -H ... print long help message and quit
% thordbfix461 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | THORDBFIX461: CONVERSION OF 4.51 DATABASES TO 4.61 COMPATIBILITY | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ THORDBFIX461 ============================================================= WHY Daylight Software Version 4.61 contains several bug fixes and enhancements that make it necessary to update 4.51 databases before they will work with Version 4.61 software: 1. The external ASCII representation of binary data has changed. This primarily impacts fingerprints, but also impacts any user-generated binary data. 2. A significant bug in the SMILES toolkit causes the fingerprints to be incorrect for one class of molecules. This problem causes the substructure searching to work incorrectly for this class. Replacement of the fingerprint is the only solution for this problem. Note: the database must already be updated to 4.5 before running this script. If a pre-4.51 database requires updating, the database must be updated with thordbfix451 before running this script. Press [Return] to continue... THORDBFIX461 ============================================================= HOW This program proceeds as outlined below: 1. You specify: a. The database to be fixed. b. Write passwords for the database. 2. The regular database is dumped and reloaded with new correct fingerprint data. 3. A report is generated with statistics and messages about the process. Press [Return] to continue... THORDBFIX461 ======================================================== WARNINGS >>> YOU SHOULD BACK UP ALL DATABASES BEFORE BEGINNING. <<< Although this update process is well tested, there is always the possibility of a power failure or other catastrophy that could result in loss of data. If the disk becomes full during database reloading or if the update process fails, you will need to discard the partially rebuilt database and begin again. You will need the backup copy to restore the original. Press [Return] to continue... THORDBFIX461 ==================================================== INSTRUCTIONS As this program progresses, you will be asked a series of questions; during the question/answer part, the following rules apply: 1. Most questions contain default answers in {braces}. Enter just RETURN to select the default answer. 2. You may abort this installation at any question by pressing the EOF character (usually either the CONTROL-D or the DELETE key). Press [Return] to continue... THORDBFIX461 ========================================================== USERID To use this program, you must be the Thor database administrator. That is, you must be logged in as the user who owns Thor database files and has permission to write to those files. In addition, you environment variables should be set up to be identical to those defined for the Thorserver and Merlinserver programs when they normally run. In particular, DY_ROOT must be defined, and any environment variables used when creating your databases (e.g. DY_THORDB) must be defined. Press [Return] to continue... THORDBFIX461 ==================================================== ??BACKED UP?? This program is well tested, and should update your databases without any problems. However, there is always the possibility that problems, such as power failures, "crashes" and so on, could interrupt this update process and result in corrupted databases. Because of this, you should be sure that all of your databases have been backed up to a safe place, such as tape. Have you backed up your database safely? {Yes} Name of database (full path)> /usr2/thordb/medchem98demo Database write password> writepw Datatypes database write password> writepw Getting fingerprint ID and generation parameters from the database. This will take a minute or two. Please be patient... THORDBFIX461 ================================================== FINAL APPROVAL If the information below is not correct, or you haven't backed up your databases, or for any reason you aren't ready to do the update for Daylight Software Version 4.61, then answer "no" to the question below. Here are the values you have entered: DB name: /usr2/thordb/medchem98demo DB write password: writepw datatypes DB write password: writepw The following fingerprints will be fixed: Normal FP ID: <none> arguments: -b 64 -c 2048 -d 0.3 -s 0/7 >>> You are logged in as the Thor database administrator (thor). >>> You HAVE backed up your database. CAREFULLY INSPECT THE FINGERPRINT ARGUMENTS LISTED ABOVE. THIS IS THE LAST QUESTION YOU WILL BE ASKED BEFORE WORK BEGINS. OK to proceed? (You must type in "yes" to proceed) yes Confirmed -- proceeding. Rebuilding /usr2/thordb/medchem98demo ... ...................................................... ...................................................... .................................. 500 TDTs, 569662 bytes .........500 TDTs, 500 fingerprints added . 500 TDTs, 0 errors ...................................................... ...................................................... ................................ 1000 TDTs, 1155312 bytes ..........1000 TDTs, 1000 fingerprints added . 1000 TDTs, 0 errors ...................................................... ...................................................... ............................... 1500 TDTs, 1711676 bytes ..........1500 TDTs, 1500 fingerprints added . 1500 TDTs, 0 errors ...................................................... ...................................................... ............................... 2000 TDTs, 2280143 bytes Done: 2000 TDTs written, 2280143 bytes total .......2000 TDTs, 1999 fingerprints added 2000 TDTs, 1999 fingerprints added, 0 errors Done. . 2000 TDTs, 0 errors Done: 2000 TDTs, 0 errors THORDBFIX461 ==================================================== FINAL REPORT Your database "/usr2/thordb/medchem98demo" has been updated.