Q. Do you plan to include SMARTs in JavaGrins?
A. Yes in future releases
Q. Do you plan to support Internet Explorer?
A. Yes in release 4.62
Q. Does JavaGrins generate Unique SMILES?
A. Yes, it does.
Q. Is JavaGrins a Bean?
A. No. While converting it into a bean is no big deal, supplying a
bean introduces another whole level of support for us. If the idea is to
attain easy usability for a component, this can already be done very easily
with LiveConnect, which enables communication between JavaGrins and any
other LiveConnect
enabled element (a Java applet, JavaScript, or a plugin on a web page).
From a support perspective, this is extremely easy, since LiveConnect has
extensive documentation and is well debugged and tested on several browsers.
It is furthermore forward compatible with new technologies such as XML.
Q. Do you plan to migrate JavaGrins to JFC?
A. Yes. However we need browsers to include JFC as part of their core
Java implementations before we can do that.
Q. Regarding applet download times, how does JavaGrins compare?
A. In terms of size JavaGrins is around 150k. This compares well with
the the ChemSymphony sketcher which appears to be ~500k and the ACD sketcher
which appears to be ~400k.
Q. Can we expect applet startup time to decrease in future versions?
A. Probably.
Q. Can we expect applet sizes to decrease?
A. Probably not, as more functionality is added.
Q. Can we expect performance to get faster?
A. Yes, especially since the Java runtime implementors are working
with new technologies to address this problem.
Q. Can we expect JVM startup time to decrease in the future?
A. A definite yes. The beta version of Netscape 4.5 already has a JVM
that starts up much faster than the current version.