Our central design philosophy is to produce beans that
will understand and deal directly with Daylight objects such as a SMILES
string. To this end we are wrapping Daylight functionality around commonly
available stable widgets such as 2Dgraphs, tree visualization widgets etc.
Wherever possible we will also make them easily serializable and deserializable
so as to permit the saving and reconstruction of a widget's state. This
will also make them easily transportable. Some of the other widgets on
the cards are:
A Tree visualization widget for a TDT. An alpha release of
this is on display at the demos. This structure enable visualization of
a large number of hits say from a Merlin search as a set of expandable
structure icons in a tree format. The advantage here is that any of the
structures can be expanded to visualize more information on it. Over intranets
the full release will be modifiable to pass full information on a structure
only at the time it is expanded, hence greatly reducing the network bandwidth
A Spreadsheet widget
A Depict widget that can depict a SMILES string according
to user-defined or corporate styles.
Standard hyperlinked 2D-graphing and pie-charting widgets
morphed to understand Daylight's objects as part of Java Tools.
Sorting widgets to sort and analyse Daylight query results
Analytical widgets such as Sliders/Gauges that can permit
dynamic, on-the-fly analysis and visualization
Given that the widgets are all developed as Java Beans they
will be inter-operable and connectable via easy drag-n-drop ease of the
kind seen in Sun's Bean Developer Kit.