Depending on the browser used, 3 choices are possible
with Java security and authentication. All 3 models depend on the use of
Digital Cerificates for Daylight in an intranet setting and optionally
for user-based authentication in an internet setting.
With the HotJava browser from Sun, the built-in JDK 1.1 security
API can be used. HotJava runs on the Sun and on Windows, however it is
definitely not the most popular or fastest browser currently.
With Netscape, the NSAPI can be used to restrict or grant
different levels of security at both the server and client ends. Given
that Netscape is the most popular JDK 1.1 browser currently, we will most
probably use this API. Whereas this will mean that we are restricting our
users to a model, we believe this will not be for long, since there will
eventually be a merger of security APIs. Given Netscape's reputation of
supporting their Java API's (IFC) that the NSAPI is currently the most
developed, this will the lead to the least migration problems when the
eventual merger does occur.
At the time of writing this it is still unclear to me if
Microsoft plans to make Internet Explorer 4.0 JDK 1.1 compliant. However
if they do so, it is still unclear if DCOM is a wise choice for security.
Given that DCOM locks us to a platform (or 2 since DCOM is available for
Solaris too now) it will not be the standard that we will use.
With reference to this fact, we would like to know your preferences
on browsers and if and how the security issue will affect your decisions.