EuroMUG '96

Database Roundup

Database Roundup

An update of the databases available from Daylight.
World Drug Index
WDI 96.04 just converted; 3 thousand more structures.
wdi964 content summary
Available Chemicals Directory
ACD 96.1 is here.
acd961 content summary

Pomona College / BioByte Corp.
Pomona Medchem Database
Medchem97 update expected in early 1997.
medchem96 content summary

Institute for Scientific Information
Current Chemical Reactions
CCR first Daylight release with 4.51.
Index Chemicus
Index Chemicus first Daylight release with 4.51.

Spresi95 / Spresi95Preps is the current release.
spresi95 content summary
spresi95preps content summary

ChemReact / ChemSynth first Daylight release with 4.51.
chemreact content summary
chemsynth content summary

Maybridge Chemical Company
Maybridge Chemical Catalog
Maybridge962 is the current release, 4000 additional structures.
maybridge962 content summary

NCI96: 30,000 structures; cancer and HIV screen data published by NCI this year. Thanks to Bernd Rohde of Ciba-Geigy!
nci96 content summary
NCI95: approximately 120,000 structures.
nci95 content summary
Also still available: AQUIRE94, TSCA93.
aquire94 content summary
tsca93 content summary
DAYLIGHT Chemical Information Systems, Inc., 1996