Leads From Large Databases
Talk given at the Daylight User Meeting, 17 December 1996
By A. Gobbi (Ciba Geigy AG Basel)
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Table of Contens
Leads From Large Databases
What do you do at the bench?
| Optimize your biological activity!
Is it for free? | No: iterate selection and experiments.
- Get the fingerprints of all your best compounds.
- Set a bit in the search fingerprint if n% of this fingerprints have a bit set in this position.
- Use the m compounds most similar to this fingerprint for the next sample.
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- Get fingerprints for a pair of your best compounds.
- Create a new fingerprint by crossover.
- Include the most similar compound into your new sample set.
- Repeat steps 1-3 to get m compounds.
If 1 is a substructure of 2 Asymmetric(1,2) = 1.0.
Number of Compounds: | 19 719
| |
Smallest: | -4 | (4 Compounds)
Largest: | 13.3 | (1 Compound)
(Asymmetric similarity; 75% Fingerprints)
2 Random structure added per cycle; Structures
removed after 10 cycles
Most Common Substructures
| Genetic |
(Bits set if present in 75% of the selected molecules)
| 2 Random structure added per cycle; Structures removed after 10 cycles
L. Weber, S. Wallbaum, C. Broger, K. Gubernator Angew.
Chem. 1995, 107, 2452
N. E. Shemetulskis, D. Weininger, C. J. Blakley,
J. J. Yang, C. Humblet J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1996,
36, 862
NCI-Database: http://epnws1.ncifcrf.gov:2345/