The following is a quick reference for character set names and associated  
languages. This includes brief descriptions of most languages associated with  
each characterset (including informational references)  
Only those documented abbreviations that are found in the 9.2 Globalization  
Guide (Appendix 'A' Locale Data) are included. This is not meant to be a  
comprehensive list of all languages possible in the 9i charactersets. 
From the Oracle9i Database Globalization Support Guide:  
Release 2 (9.2) :  
Part Number A96529-01,  
Appendix A Locale Data 
===============================                                    SB=Single Byte     EURO=EURO Capable 
ASIAN Language Character Sets			                   MB=Multi byte      UDC=user-defined characters 
Character Set Name  Description	                                   Comments	      Language, Country or Region (Language Abbrv at bottom of Note) 
=================  ================================	           =========          ========================== 
BN8BSCII	   Bangladesh National Code 8-bit BSCII            SB, ASCII	      bn 
ZHT16BIG5	   BIG5 16-bit Traditional Chinese	           MB, ASCII	      zht,Traditional Chinese 
ZHT16HKSCS	   MS Windows Code Page 950 w/ Hong                MB, ASCII, EURO    zht,Hong Kong Supplemental characters 
                    Kong Supplementary Character Set	 
ZHS16CGB231280	   CGB2312-80 16-bit Simplified Chinese            MB, ASCII	      zhs,Simplified Chinese 
ZHS32GB18030	   GB18030-2000	                                   MB, ASCII, EURO    zhs,Simplified Chinese 
JA16EUC	           EUC 24-bit Japanese	                           MB, ASCII	      ja 
JA16EUCTILDE	   The same as JA16EUC except for the way          MB, ASCII	      ja 
                    that the wave dash and the tilde are  
                    mapped to and from Unicode.	 
JA16EUCYEN	   EUC 24-bit Japanese with '\' mapped             MB	              ja 
                    to the Japanese yen character	 
ZHT32EUC           EUC 32-bit Traditional Chinese	           MB, ASCII	      zht 
ZHS16GBK	   GBK 16-bit Simplified Chinese	           MB, ASCII, UDC     zhs 
ZHT16CCDC	   HP CCDC 16-bit Traditional Chinese	           MB, ASCII	      zht 
JA16DBCS	   IBM EBCDIC 16-bit Japanese	                   MB, UDC	      ja 
JA16EBCDIC930	   IBM DBCS Code Page 290 16-bit Japanese          MB, UDC	      ja 
KO16DBCS	   IBM EBCDIC 16-bit Korean	                   MB, UDC	      ko 
ZHS16DBCS	   IBM EBCDIC 16-bit Simplified Chinese            MB, UDC	      zhs 
ZHT16DBCS	   IBM EBCDIC 16-bit Traditional Chinese           MB, UDC	      sht 
KO16KSC5601	   KSC5601 16-bit Korean	                   MB, ASCII	      ko 
KO16KSCCS	   KSCCS 16-bit Korean	                           MB, ASCII	      ko  
JA16VMS	           JVMS 16-bit Japanese	                           MB, ASCII	      ja  
ZHS16MACCGB23128   Mac client CGB2312-80 16-bit Simplified Chinese MB	              zhs  
JA16MACSJIS	   Mac client Shift-JIS 16-bit Japanese            MB	              ja  
TH8MACTHAI	   Mac Client 8-bit Latin/Thai	                   SB	              th,Latin 
TH8MACTHAIS	   Mac Server 8-bit Latin/Thai	                   SB, ASCII	      th,Latin 
TH8TISEBCDICS	   Thai Industrial Standard                        SB	              th 
                    620-2533-EBCDIC Server 8-bit 
ZHT16MSWIN950	   MS Windows Code Page 950 Traditional Chinese    MB, ASCII, UDC     zht 
KO16MSWIN949	   MS Windows Code Page 949 Korean	           MB, ASCII, UDC     ko  
VN8MSWIN1258	   MS Windows Code Page 1258 8-bit Vietnamese      SB, ASCII, EURO    vn 
IN8ISCII	   Multiple-Script Indian Standard 8-bit           SB, ASCII	      Indian,Latin 
                    Latin/Indian Languages	 
JA16SJIS	   Shift-JIS 16-bit Japanese	                   MB, ASCII, UDC     ja  
JA16SJISTILDE	   The same as JA16SJIS except for the way that    MB, ASCII, UDC     ja  
                    the wave dash and the tilde are mapped  
                    to and from Unicode.                    		 
JA16SJISYEN	   Shift-JIS 16-bit Japanese with 	           MB, UDC	      ja  
                    '\' mapped to the Japanese yen character 
ZHT32SOPS	   SOPS 32-bit Traditional Chinese	           MB, ASCII	      zht  
ZHT16DBT	   Taiwan Taxation 16-bit Traditional Chinese	   MB, ASCII	      zht  
TH8TISASCII	   Thai Industrial Standard 620-2533 ASCII 8-bit   SB, ASCII, EURO    th  
 (Oracle's definition includes the Microsoft Windows Codepage 874 addons to 620-2533)                   	 
TH8TISEBCDIC	   Thai Industrial Standard 620-2533 EBCDIC 8-bit  SB	              th             
ZHT32TRIS	   TRIS 32-bit Traditional Chinese	           MB, ASCII	      zht 
AL16UTF16	   See "Universal Character Sets" for details      MB, EURO, FIXED    Universal Unicode 
AL32UTF8	   See "Universal Character Sets" for details	   MB, ASCII, EURO    Universal Unicode 
UTF8	           See "Universal Character Sets" for details	   MB, ASCII, EURO    Universal Unicode 
UTFE	           See "Universal Character Sets" for details	   MB, EURO	      Universal Unicode 
VN8VN3	           VN3 8-bit Vietnamese	                           SB, ASCII	      vn 
EUROPEAN Language Character Sets 
Character Set Name  Description	                                   Comments	    Language, Country or Region 
=================  ================================	           =========        ========================== 
US7ASCII	   ASCII 7-bit American	                           SB, ASCII        us 
SF7ASCII	   ASCII 7-bit Finnish	                           SB	            sf, 
YUG7ASCII	   ASCII 7-bit Yugoslavian	                   SB	            Yugoslavian 
RU8BESTA	   BESTA 8-bit Latin/Cyrillic	                   SB, ASCII        Latin,Cyrillic 
EL8GCOS7	   Bull EBCDIC GCOS7 8-bit Greek	           SB	            el 
WE8GCOS7	   Bull EBCDIC GCOS7 8-bit West European           SB	            West European 
EL8DEC	           DEC 8-bit Latin/Greek	                   SB	            el,Latin 
TR7DEC	           DEC VT100 7-bit Turkish	                   SB	            tr 
TR8DEC	           DEC 8-bit Turkish	                           SB, ASCII        tr 
TR8EBCDIC1026	   EBCDIC Code Page 1026 8-bit Turkish	           SB	            tr 
TR8EBCDIC1026S	   EBCDIC Code Page 1026 Server 8-bit Turkish	   SB	            tr 
TR8PC857	   IBM-PC Code Page 857 8-bit Turkish	           SB, ASCII	    tr 
TR8MACTURKISH	   MAC Client 8-bit Turkish	                   SB	            tr 
TR8MACTURKISHS	   MAC Server 8-bit Turkish	                   SB, ASCII	    tr 
TR8MSWIN1254	   MS Windows Code Page 1254 8-bit Turkish	   SB, ASCII, EURO  tr 
WE8BS2000L5	   Siemens EBCDIC.DF.L5 8-bit 	                   SB	            tr,West European 
                    West European/Turkish 
WE8DEC	           DEC 8-bit West European	                   SB, ASCII	    West European 
D7DEC	           DEC VT100 7-bit German	                   SB	            d 
F7DEC	           DEC VT100 7-bit French	                   SB	            f  
S7DEC	           DEC VT100 7-bit Swedish	                   SB	            s 
E7DEC	           DEC VT100 7-bit Spanish	                   SB	            e 
NDK7DEC	           DEC VT100 7-bit Norwegian/Danish	           SB	            n,dk 
I7DEC	           DEC VT100 7-bit Italian	                   SB	            i 
NL7DEC	           DEC VT100 7-bit Dutch	                   SB	            nl 
CH7DEC	           DEC VT100 7-bit Swiss (German/French)	   SB	            d,f 
SF7DEC	           DEC VT100 7-bit Finnish	                   SB	            sf 
WE8DG	           DG 8-bit West European	                   SB,ASCII	    West European 
WE8EBCDIC37C	   EBCDIC Code Page 37 8-bit Oracle/c	           SB	 
WE8EBCDIC37	   EBCDIC Code Page 37 8-bit West European	   SB	            West European 
D8EBCDIC273	   EBCDIC Code Page 273/1 8-bit Austrian German    SB	            d 
DK8EBCDIC277	   EBCDIC Code Page 277/1 8-bit Danish	           SB	            dk 
S8EBCDIC278	   EBCDIC Code Page 278/1 8-bit Swedish	           SB	            s 
I8EBCDIC280	   EBCDIC Code Page 280/1 8-bit Italian	           SB	            i 
WE8EBCDIC284	   EBCDIC Code Page 284 8-bit                      SB	            e 
                   Latin American/Spanish	 
WE8EBCDIC285	   EBCDIC Code Page 285 8-bit West European	   SB	            West European 
WE8EBCDIC924	   Latin 9 EBCDIC 924	                           SB,EBCDIC        Latin 
WE8EBCDIC1047	   EBCDIC Code Page 1047 8-bit West European	   SB	            West European 
WE8EBCDIC1047E	   Latin 1/Open Systems 1047	                   SB,EBCDIC,EURO   Latin 
WE8EBCDIC1140	   EBCDIC Code Page 1140 8-bit West European	   SB,EURO	    West European 
WE8EBCDIC1140C	   EBCDIC Code Page 1140 Client 8-bit              SB,EURO	    West European 
                   West European	 
WE8EBCDIC1145	   EBCDIC Code Page 1145 8-bit West European	   SB,EURO	    West European 
WE8EBCDIC1146	   EBCDIC Code Page 1146 8-bit West European	   SB,EURO	    West European 
WE8EBCDIC1148	   EBCDIC Code Page 1148 8-bit West European	   SB,EURO	    West European 
WE8EBCDIC1148C	   EBCDIC Code Page 1148 Client 8-bit WestEuropean SB,EURO	    West European         
F8EBCDIC297	   EBCDIC Code Page 297 8-bit French	           SB	            f 
WE8EBCDIC500C	   EBCDIC Code Page 500 8-bit Oracle/c	           SB	 
WE8EBCDIC500	   EBCDIC Code Page 500 8-bit West European	   SB	            West European 
EE8EBCDIC870	   EBCDIC Code Page 870 8-bit East European	   SB	            East European 
EE8EBCDIC870C	   EBCDIC Code Page 870 Client 8-bit East European SB	            East European	 
EE8EBCDIC870S	   EBCDIC Code Page 870 Server 8-bit               SB	            East European 
                    East European	 
WE8EBCDIC871	   EBCDIC Code Page 871 8-bit Icelandic	           SB	            is 
EL8EBCDIC875	   EBCDIC Code Page 875 8-bit Greek	           SB	            el 
EL8EBCDIC875R	   EBCDIC Code Page 875 Server 8-bit Greek	   SB	            el 
CL8EBCDIC1025	   EBCDIC Code Page 1025 8-bit Cyrillic	           SB	            Cyrillic 
CL8EBCDIC1025C	   EBCDIC Code Page 1025 Client 8-bit Cyrillic     SB	            Cyrillic 
CL8EBCDIC1025R	   EBCDIC Code Page 1025 Server 8-bit Cyrillic     SB	            Cyrillic 
CL8EBCDIC1025S	   EBCDIC Code Page 1025 Server 8-bit Cyrillic     SB	            Cyrillic 
CL8EBCDIC1025X	   EBCDIC Code Page 1025 (Modified)8-bit Cyrillic  SB	            Cyrillic 
BLT8EBCDIC1112	   EBCDIC Code Page 1112 8-bit Baltic Multilingual SB	            Baltic Multilingual 
BLT8EBCDIC1112S	   EBCDIC Code Page 1112 8-bit Server	           SB	            Baltic Multilingual  
                    Baltic Multilingual 
D8EBCDIC1141	   EBCDIC Code Page 1141 8-bit Austrian German     SB, EURO	    d 
DK8EBCDIC1142	   EBCDIC Code Page 1142 8-bit Danish	           SB, EURO	    dk 
S8EBCDIC1143	   EBCDIC Code Page 1143 8-bit Swedish	           SB, EURO	    s 
I8EBCDIC1144	   EBCDIC Code Page 1144 8-bit Italian	           SB, EURO	    i 
F8EBCDIC1147	   EBCDIC Code Page 1147 8-bit French	           SB, EURO	    f 
EEC8EUROASCI	   EEC Targon 35 ASCI West European/Greek	   SB	            el,West European 
EEC8EUROPA3	   EEC EUROPA3 8-bit West European/Greek	   SB	            el,West European 
LA8PASSPORT	   German Government Printer 8-bit 	           SB, ASCII	    d,All European Printer 
                    All-European Latin 
WE8HP	           HP LaserJet 8-bit West European	           SB	            West European 
WE8ROMAN8	   HP Roman8 8-bit West European	           SB, ASCII	    West European 
HU8CWI2	           Hungarian 8-bit CWI-2	                   SB, ASCII	    hu 
HU8ABMOD	   Hungarian 8-bit Special AB Mod	           SB, ASCII	    hu 
LV8RST104090	   IBM-PC Alternative Code Page 8-bit              SB, ASCII        lv,Cyrillic 
                    Latvian (Latin/Cyrillic)	 
US8PC437	   IBM-PC Code Page 437 8-bit American	           SB, ASCII	    us 
BG8PC437S	   IBM-PC Code Page 437 8-bit 	                   SB, ASCII	    bg  
                    (Bulgarian Modification)   
EL8PC437S	   IBM-PC Code Page 437 8-bit (Greek modification) SB, ASCII	    el 
EL8PC737	   IBM-PC Code Page 737 8-bit Greek/Latin	   SB	            el,Latin 
LT8PC772	   IBM-PC Code Page 772 8-bit Lithuanian 	   SB, ASCII	    Latin,Cyrillic 
LT8PC774	   IBM-PC Code Page 774 8-bit Lithuanian (Latin)   SB, ASCII	    lt,Latin 
BLT8PC775	   IBM-PC Code Page 775 8-bit Baltic	           SB, ASCII	    Baltic   
WE8PC850	   IBM-PC Code Page 850 8-bit West European	   SB, ASCII	    West European 
EL8PC851	   IBM-PC Code Page 851 8-bit Greek/Latin	   SB, ASCII	    el,Latin 
EE8PC852	   IBM-PC Code Page 852 8-bit East European	   SB, ASCII	    East European 
RU8PC855	   IBM-PC Code Page 855 8-bit Latin/Cyrillic	   SB, ASCII	    Latin,Cyrillic 
WE8PC858	   IBM-PC Code Page 858 8-bit West European	   SB, ASCII, EURO  West European 
WE8PC860	   IBM-PC Code Page 860 8-bit West European	   SB, ASCII	    West European 
IS8PC861	   IBM-PC Code Page 861 8-bit Icelandic	           SB, ASCII	    is 
CDN8PC863	   IBM-PC Code Page 863 8-bit Canadian French	   SB, ASCII	    f,Canadian French 
N8PC865	           IBM-PC Code Page 865 8-bit Norwegian	           SB, ASCII	    n 
RU8PC866	   IBM-PC Code Page 866 8-bit Latin/Cyrillic	   SB, ASCII	    Latin,Cyrillic 
EL8PC869	   IBM-PC Code Page 869 8-bit Greek/Latin	   SB, ASCII	    el,Latin 
LV8PC1117	   IBM-PC Code Page 1117 8-bit Latvian	           SB, ASCII	    lv  
US8ICL	           ICL EBCDIC 8-bit American	                   SB	            us 
WE8ICL	           ICL EBCDIC 8-bit West European	           SB	            West European 
WE8ISOICLUK	   ICL special version ISO8859-1	           SB	            Latin,ISO8859-1 variant 
WE8ISO8859P1	   ISO 8859-1 West European	                   SB, ASCII	    dk,nl,f,sf,d,is,i,n,pt,e,s 
EE8ISO8859P2	   ISO 8859-2 East European	                   SB, ASCII	    cs,gb,d,hu,pl,ro,hr,sk,sl, hr 
SE8ISO8859P3	   ISO 8859-3 South European	                   SB, ASCII	    f,d,i,pt,tr 
NEE8ISO8859P4	   ISO 8859-4 North and North-East European	   SB, ASCII	    dk,et,sf,d,lv,lt,n,pt,sl,s 
CL8ISO8859P5	   ISO 8859-5 Latin/Cyrillic	                   SB, ASCII	    bg,ru,uk 
AR8ISO8859P6	   ISO 8859-6 Latin/Arabic	                   SB, ASCII	    ar 
EL8ISO8859P7	   ISO 8859-7 Latin/Greek	                   SB, ASCII, EURO  el 
IW8ISO8859P8	   ISO 8859-8 Latin/Hebrew	                   SB, ASCII	    iw 
NE8ISO8859P10	   ISO 8859-10 North European	                   SB, ASCII	    dk,et,sf,d,is,lv,lt,n,sl,s 
BLT8ISO8859P13	   ISO 8859-13 Baltic	                           SB, ASCII	    (?) dk,et,sf,d,is,lv,lt,n,sl,s 
CEL8ISO8859P14	   ISO 8859-13 Celtic	                           SB, ASCII	    celtic 
WE8ISO8859P15	   ISO 8859-15 West European	                   SB, ASCII, EURO  ca,dk,nl,sf,f,d,i,n,pt,e,s  
LA8ISO6937	   ISO 6937 8-bit Coded Character Set 	           SB, ASCII	    Text Communication 
                    for Text Communication 
IW7IS960	   Israeli Standard 960 7-bit Latin/Hebrew	   SB	            iw,Latin 
AR8ARABICMAC	   Mac Client 8-bit Latin/Arabic	           SB	            ar,Latin 
EE8MACCE	   Mac Client 8-bit Central European	           SB	            Central European 
EE8MACCROATIAN	   Mac Client 8-bit Croatian	                   SB	            hr 
WE8MACROMAN8	   Mac Client 8-bit Extended Roman8 West European  SB	            Latin,West European 
EL8MACGREEK	   Mac Client 8-bit Greek	                   SB	            el 
IS8MACICELANDIC	   Mac Client 8-bit Icelandic	                   SB	            is 
CL8MACCYRILLIC	   Mac Client 8-bit Latin/Cyrillic	           SB	            Latin,Cyrillic 
AR8ARABICMACS	   Mac Server 8-bit Latin/Arabic	           SB, ASCII	    ar,Latin 
EE8MACCES	   Mac Server 8-bit Central European	           SB, ASCII	    Central European 
EE8MACCROATIANS	   Mac Server 8-bit Croatian	                   SB, ASCII	    hr 
WE8MACROMAN8S	   Mac Server 8-bit Extended Roman8 West European  SB, ASCII	    West European 
CL8MACCYRILLICS	   Mac Server 8-bit Latin/Cyrillic	           SB, ASCII	    Latin,Cyrillic 
EL8MACGREEKS	   Mac Server 8-bit Greek	                   SB, ASCII	    el 
IS8MACICELANDICS   Mac Server 8-bit Icelandic	                   SB	            is 
BG8MSWIN	   MS Windows 8-bit Bulgarian Cyrillic	           SB, ASCII	    bg 
LT8MSWIN921	   MS Windows Code Page 921 8-bit Lithuanian	   SB, ASCII	    lt,Latin 
ET8MSWIN923	   MS Windows Code Page 923 8-bit Estonian	   SB, ASCII	    et 
EE8MSWIN1250	   MS Windows Code Page 1250 8-bit East European   SB, ASCII, EURO  East European 
CL8MSWIN1251	   MS Windows Code Page 1251 8-bit Latin/Cyrillic  SB, ASCII, EURO  Latin,Cyrillic 
WE8MSWIN1252	   MS Windows Code Page 1252 8-bit West European   SB, ASCII, EURO  West European 
EL8MSWIN1253	   MS Windows Code Page 1253 8-bit Latin/Greek     SB, ASCII, EURO  el,Latin 
BLT8MSWIN1257	   MS Windows Code Page 1257 8-bit Baltic	   SB, ASCII, EURO  Baltic 
BLT8CP921	   Latvian Standard LVS8-92(1) Windows/Unix 	   SB, ASCII	    Baltic 
                    8-bit Baltic 
LV8PC8LR	   Latvian Version IBM-PC Code Page 866 	   SB, ASCII	    Latin,Cyrillic 
                    8-bit Latin/Cyrillic 
WE8NCR4970	   NCR 4970 8-bit West European	                   SB, ASCII	    West European 
WE8NEXTSTEP	   NeXTSTEP PostScript 8-bit West European	   SB, ASCII	    West European 
CL8ISOIR111	   ISOIR111 Cyrillic	                           SB	            Cyrillic 
CL8KOI8R	   RELCOM Internet Standard 8-bit Latin/Cyrillic   SB, ASCII	    Latin,Cyrillic                  
CL8KOI8U	   KOI8 Ukrainian Cyrillic	                   SB	            Cyrillic 
US8BS2000	   Siemens 9750-62 EBCDIC 8-bit American	   SB	            us 
DK8BS2000	   Siemens 9750-62 EBCDIC 8-bit Danish	           SB	            dk 
F8BS2000	   Siemens 9750-62 EBCDIC 8-bit French	           SB	            f 
D8BS2000	   Siemens 9750-62 EBCDIC 8-bit German	           SB	            d 
E8BS2000	   Siemens 9750-62 EBCDIC 8-bit Spanish	           SB	            e 
S8BS2000	   Siemens 9750-62 EBCDIC 8-bit Swedish	           SB	            s 
DK7SIEMENS9780X	   Siemens 97801/97808 7-bit Danish	           SB	            dk 
F7SIEMENS9780X	   Siemens 97801/97808 7-bit French	           SB	            f 
D7SIEMENS9780X	   Siemens 97801/97808 7-bit German	           SB	            d 
I7SIEMENS9780X	   Siemens 97801/97808 7-bit Italian	           SB	            i 
N7SIEMENS9780X	   Siemens 97801/97808 7-bit Norwegian	           SB	            n 
E7SIEMENS9780X	   Siemens 97801/97808 7-bit Spanish	           SB	            e 
S7SIEMENS9780X	   Siemens 97801/97808 7-bit Swedish	           SB	            s 
EE8BS2000	   Siemens EBCDIC.DF.04 8-bit East European	   SB	            East European 
WE8BS2000	   Siemens EBCDIC.DF.04 8-bit West European	   SB	            West European 
WE8BS2000E	   Siemens EBCDIC.DF.04 8-bit West European	   SB, EURO	    West European 
CL8BS2000	   Siemens EBCDIC.EHC.LC 8-bit Cyrillic	           SB	            Cyrillic 
AL16UTF16	   See "Universal Character Sets" for details	   MB, EURO, FIXED  Universal Unicode 
AL32UTF8	   See "Universal Character Sets" for details	   MB, ASCII, EURO  Universal Unicode 
UTF8	           See "Universal Character Sets" for details	   MB, ASCII, EURO  Universal Unicode 
UTFE	           See "Universal Character Sets" for details	   MB, EURO	    Universal Unicode 
MIDDLE EASTERN Language Character Sets			 
Character Set Name  Description	Comments	                  Comments         Language, Country or Region 
================== =========================================	  =========	   ========================== 
AR8APTEC715	   APTEC 715 Server 8-bit Latin/Arabic	          SB, ASCII	   ar,Latin 
AR8APTEC715T	   APTEC 715 8-bit Latin/Arabic	                  SB	           ar,Latin 
AR8ASMO708PLUS	   ASMO 708 Plus 8-bit Latin/Arabic	          SB, ASCII	   ar,Latin 
AR8ASMO8X	   ASMO Extended 708 8-bit Latin/Arabic	          SB, ASCII	   ar,Latin 
AR8ADOS710	   Arabic MS-DOS 710 Server 8-bit Latin/Arabic	  SB, ASCII	   ar,Latin 
AR8ADOS710T	   Arabic MS-DOS 710 8-bit Latin/Arabic	          SB	           ar,Latin 
AR8ADOS720	   Arabic MS-DOS 720 Server 8-bit Latin/Arabic	  SB, ASCII	   ar,Latin 
AR8ADOS720T	   Arabic MS-DOS 720 8-bit Latin/Arabic	          SB	           ar,Latin 
TR7DEC	           DEC VT100 7-bit Turkish	                  SB	           tr 
TR8DEC	           DEC 8-bit Turkish	                          SB	           tr 
WE8EBCDIC37C	   EBCDIC Code Page 37 8-bit Oracle/c	          SB	 
IW8EBCDIC424	   EBCDIC Code Page 424 8-bit Latin/Hebrew	  SB	           iw,Latin 
IW8EBCDIC424S	   EBCDIC Code Page 424 Server 8-bit Latin/Hebrew SB	           iw,Latin 
WE8EBCDIC500C	   EBCDIC Code Page 500 8-bit Oracle/c	          SB	 
IW8EBCDIC1086	   EBCDIC Code Page 1086 8-bit Hebrew	          SB	           iw,Latin 
AR8EBCDIC420S	   EBCDIC Code Page 420 Server 8-bit Latin/Arabic SB	           ar,Latin 
AR8EBCDICX	   EBCDIC XBASIC Server 8-bit Latin/Arabic	  SB	           ar,Latin 
TR8EBCDIC1026	   EBCDIC Code Page 1026 8-bit Turkish	          SB	           tr 
TR8EBCDIC1026S	   EBCDIC Code Page 1026 Server 8-bit Turkish	  SB	           tr 
AR8HPARABIC8T	   HP 8-bit Latin/Arabic	                  SB	           ar,Latin 
TR8PC857	   IBM-PC Code Page 857 8-bit Turkish	          SB, ASCII	   tr 
IW8PC1507	   IBM-PC Code Page 1507/862 8-bit Latin/Hebrew   SB, ASCII	   iw,Latin 
AR8ISO8859P6	   ISO 8859-6 Latin/Arabic	                  SB, ASCII	   ar,Latin 
IW8ISO8859P8	   ISO 8859-8 Latin/Hebrew	                  SB, ASCII	   iw,Latin 
WE8ISO8859P9	   ISO 8859-9 West European & Turkish	          SB, ASCII	   tr,West European 
LA8ISO6937	   ISO 6937 8-bit Coded Character Set 	          SB, ASCII	   Text Communicat 
                    for Text Communication 
IW7IS960	   Israeli Standard 960 7-bit Latin/Hebrew	  SB	           iw,Latin 
IW8MACHEBREW	   Mac Client 8-bit Hebrew	                  SB	           iw  
AR8ARABICMAC	   Mac Client 8-bit Latin/Arabic	          SB	           ar,Latin 
AR8ARABICMACT	   Mac 8-bit Latin/Arabic	                  SB	           ar,Latin 
TR8MACTURKISH	   Mac Client 8-bit Turkish	                  SB	           tr 
IW8MACHEBREWS	   Mac Server 8-bit Hebrew	                  SB, ASCII	   iw 
AR8ARABICMACS	   Mac Server 8-bit Latin/Arabic	          SB, ASCII	   ar,Latin 
TR8MACTURKISHS	   Mac Server 8-bit Turkish	                  SB, ASCII	   tr 
TR8MSWIN1254	   MS Windows Code Page 1254 8-bit Turkish	  SB, ASCII,EURO   tr 
IW8MSWIN1255	   MS Windows Code Page 1255 8-bit Latin/Hebrew   SB, ASCII,EURO   iw,Latin 
AR8MSWIN1256	   MS Windows Code Page 1256 8-Bit Latin/Arabic   SB, ASCII,EURO   ar,Latin 
IN8ISCII	   Multiple-Script Indian Standard 	          SB	           Latin,Indian 
                    8-bit Latin/Indian 
AR8MUSSAD768	   Mussa'd Alarabi/2 768 Server 	          SB, ASCII	   ar,Latin 
                    8-bit Latin/Arabic 
AR8MUSSAD768T	   Mussa'd Alarabi/2 768 8-bit Latin/Arabic	  SB	           ar,Latin 
AR8NAFITHA711	   Nafitha Enhanced 711 Server 8-bit Latin/Arabic SB, ASCII	   ar,Latin 
AR8NAFITHA711T	   Nafitha Enhanced 711 8-bit Latin/Arabic	  SB	           ar,Latin 
AR8NAFITHA721	   Nafitha International 721 Server 	          SB, ASCII	   ar,Latin 
                    8-bit Latin/Arabic 
AR8NAFITHA721T	   Nafitha International 721 8-bit Latin/Arabic   SB	           ar,Latin 
AR8SAKHR706	   SAKHR 706 Server 8-bit Latin/Arabic	          SB, ASCII	   ar,Latin 
AR8SAKHR707	   SAKHR 707 Server 8-bit Latin/Arabic	          SB, ASCII	   ar,Latin 
AR8SAKHR707T	   SAKHR 707 8-bit Latin/Arabic	                  SB	           ar,Latin 
AR8XBASIC	   XBASIC 8-bit Latin/Arabic	                  SB               ar,Latin 
WE8BS2000L5	   Siemens EBCDIC.DF.04.L5 8-bit                  SB               tr,West European 
                    West European/Turkish	   
AL16UTF16	   See "Universal Character Sets" for details	  MB, EURO, FIXED  Universal Unicode 
AL32UTF8	   See "Universal Character Sets" for details	  MB, ASCII, EURO  Universal Unicode 
UTF8	           See "Universal Character Sets" for details	  MB, ASCII, EURO  Universal Unicode 
UTFE	           See "Universal Character Sets" for details	  MB, EURO	   Universal Unicode 
Universal Character Sets			 
Character Set Name  Description	                                 Comments	   Language, Country or Region 
=================  =====================================	 =========	   ========================== 
AL16UTF16	   Unicode 3.1 UTF-16Universal character set     MB, EURO, FIXED   Universal Unicode 
AL32UTF8	   Unicode 3.1 UTF-8 Universal character set	 MB, ASCII, EURO   Universal Unicode 
UTF8	           Unicode 3.0 UTF-8 Universal character set	 MB, ASCII, EURO   Universal Unicode 
                    CESU-8 compliant 
UTFE	           EBCDIC form of Unicode 3.0UTF-8               MB, EURO	   Universal Unicode 
                    Universal character set	 
Languages supported by the Oracle Server and abbrevations. 
Name and     Abbreviation  
AMERICAN us       
CZECH  cs 
THAI th 
1. How can I determine the charactersets that I have for my version of Oracle? 
There are: 
257 character sets in 9.2.0 
256 character sets in 9.0.1 
242 character sets in 8.1.7 
2. Where can I get more information on the Charactersets, Locales and Languages associated with each characterset? 
Besides checking for your specific NLS and Globalization questions via metalink, you should also review the following Documentation for your RDBMS Version. 
Oracle9i Database Globalization Support Guide 
Release 2 (9.2) 
Part Number A96529-01   
Oracle9i Globalization Support Guide 
Release 1 (9.0.1) 
Part Number A90236-02 
Oracle8i National Language Support Guide 
Release 2 (8.1.6) 
Part Number A76966-01 
Globalization & NLS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 
3. I would like to find out more about the codepoints and charactersets? 
- Where can I find this information? 
There are some excellent resources for some of the more commonly used character sets 
available in metalink and also externally. 
Many of the charactersets referenced in each version of Oracle are proprietary. 
- You may need to go to the source vendor Codepoints and glyphs. 
For the most recent Oracle notes on OCharactersets, please review:  
   [NOTE:150091.1] Database Administration - Globalization Technology (NLS) Library 
Reference - Character Set Definitions (Globalization Technology (NLS) on data storage, data access and server utilities) 
     Definition of the WE8ISO8859P1 Character Set [NOTE:14786.1]  
     Definition of the WE8ISO8859P9 Character Set [NOTE:16559.1] 
     Definition of the WE8EBCDIC37C Character Set [NOTE:122228.1] 
     Which Character Set Supports Which Language [NOTE:62421.1] 
     Definition of the WE8DEC Character Set [NOTE:106138.1] 
     The difference between WE8ISO8859P1 and WE8ISO8859P15 characterset [NOTE:121627.1] 
     Using Locale Builder to view the definition of character sets [NOTE:223706.1] 
     Which Character Set Supports Which Language [NOTE:62421.1]  
     - Explicit WE8ISO Language Description/Listings 
     Oracle8i NLS Features: Languages, Sorts, Territories, Calendars, CharacterSets [NOTE:103538.1] 
     - Condensed 8.1.7 Locale information from Oracle8i National Language Support Guide 
     Globalization Support Oracle Unicode Support  
Excellent external (Non-Oracle) sources include the following: 
 The Unicode Consortium -- 
XML in a Nutshell by Elliotte Rusty Harold & W. Scott Means 
Chapter 5 "Internationalization" & Chapter 26 "Character Sets" 
Publisher O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.