HTTP Toolkit

Michael A. Kappler
Daylight CIS



Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is by far the most widely used means for communication of information. Daylight is leveraging HTTP by developing a simple, flexible, and robust way of communicating chemical information over the internet. The HTTP Toolkit provides the means to deliver all Daylight functionality, including DayCart, through a browser. The Application Programmer Interface (API) of the toolkit will be introduced and examples of its use will be shown.


Dave Weininger did the ground-breaking work presentations at EuroMUG '00, MUG '01, EuroMUG '01, and MUG '02.

HTTP Toolkit API

Now, let's use the HTTP Toolkit API to make some programs.

The Simpliest Example

The simpliest (and most useless) HTTP process is one that always returns "Not Found". According to the HTTP protocol, it's a valid server. The structure of the program centers around a loop that "gets" and "puts" requests and responses.
int main()
    dt_Handle http, www;

    http = dt_alloc_http(80);

    for (;;)
        www = dt_http_get(http);

    return 0;

The above example is a "bare bones" program that will always return something like:

Not Found

The requested URL /homepage.html was not found on this server.
Daylight/4.81 Server at Port 80

For completeness, let's improve upon the above example by including error checking, deallocation of the "http" object, and some comments.

int main()
    dt_Handle http, www; /* HTTP and get/put objects */

    /* create a web server on port 80 */
    http = dt_alloc_http(80);

    /* loop forever until broken herein */
    for (;;)
        /* receive data */
	if (NULL_OB == (www = dt_http_get(http)))

	/* send response */
        if (FALSE == dt_http_put(http,www))
	/* free object */
	if (FALSE == dt_dealloc(www))

    /* free web server */

    /* exit value */
    return 1;

This program will behave like the first one, except it will deallocate the "http" and terminate if a call to dt_http_put() or dt_dealloc() fails.

Named Properties Control Behavior

Named properties associate a keyword/value pair with a HTTP object. The most important thing to know about an HTTP process is what happened while it was receiving data from a port or CGI. The "http_status" keyword is used to indicated what happened when receiving data. Possible values are 1) data was received, 2) data was not received, 3) an error occured, and 4) a termination condition was met.

  • http_status keyword values:

    Then, you can use the "http_reply" and "http_mime" properties to respond to a request. Now, let's change our "simpliest example" from above and use named properties to respond with the text message "OK" when data is received.

    The OK Example

    int main()
        dt_Handle http, www; /* HTTP and get/put objects */
        /* create a web server on port 80 */
        http = dt_alloc_http(80);
        /* loop forever until broken herein */
        for (;;)
            /* receive data */
    	if (NULL_OB == (www = dt_http_get(http)))
            /* set response and mime type */
            dt_setstring(www, 10, "http_reply", 2, "OK");
    	dt_setstring(www,  9, "http_mime",  9, "text/html");
    	/* send response */
            if (FALSE == dt_http_put(http, www))
    	/* free object */
    	if (FALSE == dt_dealloc(www))
        /* free web server */
        /* exit value */
        return 1;
    Now, let's expand our program to check for the four types of status and log the activity of the process.

    The Status Example

    int main()
        dt_Handle http, www; /* HTTP and get/put objects */
        dt_Integer status;   /* state of data handling */
        /* create a web server on port 80 */
        http = dt_alloc_http(80);
        /* loop forever until broken herein */
        for (;;)
            /* receive data */
    	www = dt_http_get(http);
            /* get status */
    	status = dt_integer(www, 11, "http_status");
    	/* handle status */
            switch (status)
    	    /* data was received */
    	    case DX_HTTP_OK:
    	        /* set response and mime type */
    	        dt_setstring(www, 10, "http_reply", 2, "OK");
    		dt_setstring(www,  9, "http_mime",  9, "text/html");
    		/* send response */
    		if (FALSE == dt_http_put(http, www))
    		    status = DX_HTTP_DONE;
    	        /* free object */
    		if (FALSE == dt_dealloc(www))
    		    status = DX_HTTP_DONE;
    	        /* logging */
    	        fprintf (stderr, "OK\n");
    	    /* data was not received */
    	    case DX_HTTP_TIMEOUT:
    	        /* logging */
    	        fprintf(stderr, "timeout\n");
    	    /* an error occured, i.e., an interupt or a communication failure */
    	    case DX_HTTP_ERROR:
    	        /* logging */
    	        fprintf(stderr, "error\n");
                /* a termination was met */
    	    case DX_HTTP_DONE:
    	        /* logging */
    	        fprintf(stderr, "done\n");
                /* trap unknown states */
    	        /* logging */
    	        fprintf(stderr, "unknown\n");
        	/* loop under the following conditions */
        	if ((DX_HTTP_OK != status) && (DX_HTTP_TIMEOUT != status))
        /* logging */
        fprintf (stderr, "exit %d\n", status);
        /* free web server */
        /* exit value */
        return status;
    Here are all of the named properties.





    Pros & Cons

    Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.