The Daylight Chemistry Cartridge

Michael A. Kappler
Jack Delany
Daylight CIS



This presentation gives a brief overview of the Daylight cartridge, DayCartTM, talks about the current state of the cartridge, and discusses some of our ongoing work with the cartridge. Ragu will talk about timeframes for the next major release tomorrow afternoon.

Daylight / Oracle Cartridge

Our data cartridge is a bundled set of tools which extends the Oracle server with new chemical capabilities. Our chemistry cartridge supports molecules, reactions, patterns, mixtures, fingerprints, 2D and 3D conformations.

A cartridge consists of a number of different components which work together to provide complete database capabilities within the chemical information domain.

The cartridge does not use Oracles 8i object model.

The cartridge can be used with many (all) client and middleware layers (OCI, ODBC, JDBC, Perl and Corba)

The cartridge is not a full Daylight toolkit interface.

The full cartridge API is documented in the DayCart Manual

Cartridge Release History

The version 4.71 cartridge was released last fall (August '00) and was supported on Solaris 2.7, using Oracle 8.1.5 Enterprise Edition.

The next version was released with the 4.72 patch, this spring (March '01). It added support for IRIX and Linux and was tested against 8.1.6 and 8.1.7

There will be a 4.73 patch release shortly after this meeting. It will be a bug-fix patch and will be supported on the same platforms as the 4.72 patch.

A feature release, version 4.81, is scheduled for next spring.

Ongoing Efforts

Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.