The Novartis Avalon Datawarehouse Project
Bernhard Rohde, T. Müller
Novartis Pharma AG, ChemInformatics, CH-4002, Basel, Switzerland
The history and concepts of the data warehouses in Novartis Pharma Research
are presented. The current data warehouse
WinMerlin addresses the data mining aspect of warehousing. The new system,
Avalon, will shift emphasis to workflow
support in order to further improve usage and user satisfaction. In
addition, it will provide means of grouping reports
by structure depending on the task at hand. The implementation of these
concepts with commercially available software,
in this case Daylight toolkits and cartrige, improves developer
productivity. Building the warehouse interface is, however, not
a trivial task. The talk concludes with a live demo of the current Avalon
prototypes on public data across a modem connection to
demonstrate WAN compatibility of the concepts.