Mariner: Daylight's JSP toolkit
Mariner Interface:
- A set of beans that can be invoked from any JSP page
- A partial description of the interface
- SimSearch
A Tanimoto Similarity Search bean for use with JSP pages
- public String getSmiles()
Returns the SMILES to be used
for similarity searching through a form
- public void setSmiles(String smiles)
Interface that permits a form element
to set the SMILES to use for similarity searching, transparently via JSP
- public void setSimThreshold(double simThreshold)
Sets the similarity
threshold to be used for similarity searches
- public double getSimThreshold()
Returns the similarity
threshold currently used for similarity searches
- public boolean hasAllParameters()
Returns true if the SMILES and
Similarity threshold to be used for searches has been set. Returns false
- public String getSimilarStructures()
Looks up the database via JDBC (for
Daycart), retrieves the rows, replaces the SMILES row with images, and then outputs
all this data in a HTML table
- AbsSmilesSearch
- public String getAbsSmilesStructure
Looks up the give Absolute
SMILES to search for. Retrieves any rows with the same and formats
the output to a HTML form, replacing the SMILES column with an image
- public String getSmiles()
Returns the SMILES that may have been set
through a form.
- public void setSmiles(String smiles)
Interface that permits a form element
to set the absolute SMILES to search transparently via JSP
- AgentSearch
- AvMolWtSearch
- CanSmilesSearch
- ClogpSearch
- DayServe
- EuclidSearch
- GraphSearch
- MolFormulaSearch
- NetChargeSearch
- NumHydrogensSearch
- ProductSearch
- ReactantSearch
- SmartsSearch
- SmilesSearch
- SuperStrSearch
- TautomerSearch
- TverskySearch
- Along with this interface a set of search forms for each kind of search are provided.
- Any search form can be altered to suit corporate needs provided it obeys a simple set of rules
- Consider this similarity search web-app and its source.
- Only HTML and a smattering of Java are needed for creating webapps
- No knowledge of SQL or C-toolkit programming required
- Demonstration of some Mariner functionality
- At release, more outputs will be possible for search results (e.g. ECS Table object,
graph output for selected rows)
- There will also be a hook to add your own output method to embellish output(Delegation)
- Suggestions for addition
- Interface for getting data such as images or Word files associated
with a row, so that they are linked to display the data in their
appropriate viewers
- Mechanism to view structures & accept input from ChemDraw &
- Capability to depict molecules with coordinates obtained from rowdata
- Both search & input classes will be extensible and hence configurable with a supported interface
- Email me any more function requests
- Will be a similar interface to Daylight at time of release
- Will be fairly optimized
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Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.
Last modified: Tue Sep 19 02:31:50 MDT 2000