Generate complete, optimal set of 1,000 - 10,000 overlapping, variable radius spheres tangent to protein atoms in 30 - 90 seconds using Yeates' inversive geometry algorithm (T. Yeates, J. Mol. Bio., 249, 804-814, 1995). This algorithm analytically constructs the maximal sphere tangent to four other spheres.
Filter spheres by their LIGSITE solvent-accessibility score.
Merge remaining closely overlapped spheres and remove redundant spheres.
Cluster remaining spheres and sort clusters by their LIGSITE score to output 50-100 spheres per site.
Optionally specify macromolecule residues and atoms to define proximity to included or excluded sites. Sphere generation is fast enough to apply iteratively.
Binding site is in cluster 1 in 94/123 cases
Binding site is in cluster 2 in 15/123 cases
Binding site is in clusters 3-5 in remaining cases.
DockIt accepts multiple potential binding sites.