Toolkit Overview
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
- The Daylight Toolkits...
- ... are a set of shared object libraries and header files.
- ... give programmers the power to handle complex chemistry with ease.
- ... use a robust, consistent and well-defined API.
- ... are written to allow cross-platform portability and language-independence.
2. Datatypes
Datatype |
Concept & Example |
dt_Boolean |
Concept: Logical
Example: The dt_Boolean datatype represents one bit of
information. Valid values are 1 (for TRUE) and 0 (for FALSE).
dt_Integer |
Concept: Integral
Example: The dt_Integer datatype represents whole numbers
within the range of 2^31 to -2^31.
dt_Real |
Concept: Floating-point
Example: The dt_Real datatype represents floating-point
values (2-2^23)^127 to -(2-2^23)^127 and is not able to represent zero.
dt_String |
Concept: Character Array
Example: The dt_String datatype represents an array of
characters. For platform independence, the length of the character array is
specified with an associated dt_Integer datatype, not with a character (i.e.,
NULL) within the array. Functions that return a string typically accept the
address of the dt_Integer as the first parameter, which is used to pass the
length of the string back to the caller.
3. Objects
Datatype |
Concept & Example |
dt_Handle |
Concept: Object Handling
Example: A handle is an integer representing an object.
The integer is an index into the internal toolkit table. A handle is used to
represent objects, including:
Concept: Error Handling
Example: The NULL object is a valid handle that
refers to nothing. It is returned when errors occur. Errors can be
detected by checking for NULL_OB. |
4. Relationships
Object |
Concept & Example |
Concept: A child is an integral part of a parent.
Example: Atoms, bonds, and cycles (children) are parts of a
molecule (parent). You may allocate a molecule and add an oxygen
atom to it to create water ("O"). The water molecule has an atom count of 1,
a bond count of 0, and a cycle count of 0. The atom refers to the
molecule as its parent.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A parent is directly accessible from the child.
Example: The following are the parent-child relationships:
Example Code and Resulting Output
Concept: A parent owns its child.
Example: Deallocation of the molecule causes deallocation
of the atom, which makes the atom invalid.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A child affects its parent.
Example: Deallocation of the atom changes the molecules' atom count to 0.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
5. SMILES - Molecules
Object |
Concept & Example |
Concept: A molecule is input and output using the SMILES Toolkit.
Example: You can read SMILES in and create an ionized
water molecule ("[OH-].[H+]"). The molecule can be written in canonical SMILES
or arbitrary SMILES form.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A stream is a container object.
Example: A molecule is streamed to access its atoms, bonds, or cycles.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A stream is like a linked list.
Example: The atom stream contains a next atom. Initially,
asking for the next item gives the first atom ("[OH-]"). The atom number is
8, the symbol is "O", and the charge is -1. The next item gives the
second atom ("[H+]"). The atom number is 1, the symbol is "H", and the
charge is 1. When there are no more atoms, the next item is the NULL OBject.
The atom stream can be reset and the next item gives the first atom again.
Each atom refers to the molecule as its parent.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A stream is invalid when its base object changes.
Example: The atom stream is invalid when an atom
is added to the molecule, or an atom or the molecule is deallocated.
Example Code
and Resulting Output |
Concept: A stream is derived from a base object.
Example: The atom stream refers to its molecule as its base.
The atoms are not deallocated when the atom stream is deallocated.
The stream is deallocated when the molecule is deallocated.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
6. SMILES - Reactions
Object |
Concept & Example |
Concept: A reaction is input and output using the SMILES
Toolkit with reaction capabilities.
Example: You can read SMILES in and create a
water ionization reaction ("O>>[OH-].[H+]"). The reaction can be written in
canonical SMILES or arbitrary SMILES form.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A stream is a container object.
Example: A reaction is streamed to access its
molecules, atoms, bonds, or cycles.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A stream is like a linked list.
Example: The molecule stream contains a next
molecule. Initially, asking for the next item gives the first
molecule ("O"). The molecule role is "reactant". The next
item gives the second molecule ("[OH-].[H+]"). The molecule role
is "product". When there are no more molecules, the next item is
the NULL OBject. The molecule stream can be reset and the
next item gives the first molecule again. Each molecule refers to
the reaction as its parent.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A stream may become invalid when its
base object changes.
Example: The molecule stream is invalid when a
component is added to the reaction, or a molecule or the
reaction is deallocated.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A stream is derived from a base object.
Example: The molecule stream refers to its reaction as
its base. The molecules are not deallocated when the molecule
stream is deallocated. The stream is deallocated when the reaction
is deallocated.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
7. SMARTS - Patterns
Object |
Concept & Example |
Concept: A pattern object is input using the SMARTS Toolkit.
Example: You can read SMARTS in and create an
aromatic oxygen pattern ("Oa"). The pattern can be SMARTS optimized for
matches on typical molecules.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A pattern object and either a molecule or reaction
are used to find matching paths.
Example: The aromatic oxygen pattern and hydroquinone
("Oc1ccc(O)cc1") have matching paths.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A pathset object is a set of paths.
Example: There are two oxygen-aromatic paths in hydroquinone.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A path object is a set of atoms and bonds.
Example: The oxygen-aromatic path contains 2 atoms and 1 bond.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A pathset and its paths are derived from a base object.
Example: The pathset and paths refer to their molecule as its
base. The pathset and oxygen-aromatic paths are deallocated when the
hydroquinone molecule is deallocated. Paths are deallocated when the
pathset is deallocated.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A pathset and path may become invalid when
its base object changes.
Example: The pathset and the oxygen-aromatic paths are
invalid when an atom is added to the molecule, or an atom or the
molecule is deallocated.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A stream is a container object
Example: The pathset is streamed to access its oxygen-aromatic paths.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A stream is like a linked list.
Example: The path stream contains a next path.
Initially, asking for the next item gives the first path ("Oa"). The
unique identifiers (uid) of the atoms and bond reflect their position
in the input SMILES string. When there are no more paths, the next
item is the NULL OBject. The path stream can be reset and the
next item gives the first path again. Each path refers to the molecule
as its base.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A stream may become invalid when its
base object changes.
Example: The path stream is invalid when an atom
is added to the molecule, or an atom or the molecule is deallocated.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A stream is derived from a base object.
Example: The path stream refers to its pathset as its base.
The paths are not deallocated when the path stream is deallocated.
The stream is deallocated when the pathset is deallocated.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
8. SMIRKS - Transforms
Object |
Concept & Example |
Concept: A transform object is input using the SMILES
Toolkit with reaction capabilities.
Example: You can read SMIRKS in and
create a water ionization transform ("[O:1][H:2]>>[O-:1].[H+:2]").
Example Code and
Resulting Output |
Concept: A sequence is a container object.
Example: Any object can be appended or
inserted to a sequence.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A sequence is like a linked list
Example: Like a stream, the molecule sequence
contains a next molecule. Initially, asking for the next
item gives the first molecule. The next item gives the second
molecule. When there are no more molecules, the next item is the
NULL OBject. The molecule sequence can be reset and the
next item gives the first molecule again.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A transform object and a sequence of molecules
are used to transform the molecules into a sequence of reactions.
Example: The water ionization transform and a sequence
containing water and hydroquinone molecules are transformed into
ionized water and ionized hydroquinone reactions ("[OH-:1].[H+:2]" and
"[O-:1]c1ccc(cc1)O.[H+:2]"). The atoms involved in the transformation are
"mapped" by class number.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A sequence does not become invalid when
other objects change.
Example: The molecule sequence is not invalid when
adding an atom to a molecule, or when a molecule is deallocated.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Concept: A sequence is completely separate and not
derived from another object.
Example: The molecule sequence does not refer to another
object. The molecules are not deallocated when the sequence is
deallocated. The sequence is not deallocated when the molecules
are deallocated. The proper way to deallocate a sequence and its
contents is to reset the container, delete and deallocate
each item, then deallocate the container.
Example Code and Resulting Output |
Programming Exercises
Toolkit Programmers Guide